AMD and nVidia deep doodoo ?

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Feds are after both of them for something they are
doing in the market. It's on CNN:Money, but not
clear exactly what it is. I KNEW IT !!!!!! Go get 'em,
George ! Kick some monopolizing conspiring butt !

Sounds like the Feds are trying to monopoly bust
both of them for some reason. I assume it is for
product dumping at rock bottom prices for the purpose
of driving Intel and ATI off the market. I don't know
that, of course. Maybe they just want to tie them
up in court and slow them down, so the competition
can play catch up.

Mike T. said:
Nothing about this on CNN or a general web search, so I'm calling bullshit
I can't find a single thing on this anywhere, so I agree. Even with the
merger of AMD and ATI I hardly see anything that would be a monopoly, much
less one that causes any problems. NVidia is hardly a monopoly either. I
think BS is the order of the day with this claim.

I had the link in an email. Will get it again. It is
for real. The Feds want to talk to both of them,
but the exact charges are not stated. I'll post
the link when I get it again.

Ed Medlin said:
Strange one. Basically it seems that they are going after AMD's ATI
graphics division and NVidia. Might be a fishing trip

MIGHT?!? It would have to be a fishing trip, if both are being

It might not have much effect anyway. The days of the separate video card
are numbered. Pretty soon, the CPU will be just a small "core" on the GPU,
if the CPU exists at all. Properly tweaked, a modern GPU could handle all
CPU tasks (in addition to GPU tasks) without even noticeably slowing down.
The spot on mainboards that hold CPUs will hold just a GPU (that will also
handle CPU tasks). The chip manufacturers might still call it a "CPU"
though, even though it will be mostly a GPU. I suspect this is why AMD
bought ATI. No need to start from scratch to design a GPU, just buy ATI and
then use AMD CPU technology to upgrade the ATI GPU designs, to end up with a
dual-function chip. Why not? You've already got chipsets made by ATI (and
nvidia), so there is no reason that your GPU can't handle CPU functions. Up
next? How about Intel buying nvidia? Then things get real interesting.
We'll be upgrading our CPU and graphics at the same time, just by swapping
one chip. Just depends on whether you like the ATI CPU (not a typo) or the
Nvidia CPU (not a typo) better. :) -Dave