AMD 64 processor 90 nm and 130 nm?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Christo
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whats this 90nm and 130 nm processors? will 90nm and 130nm work on any 939

or is there a difference between the two?
whats this 90nm and 130 nm processors? will 90nm and 130nm work on any 939

or is there a difference between the two?

The 90nm which is called the Winchester I think , is the new one and
the 130 the old one. Supposedly it runs cooler and reduces costs and
according to the an Anandtech article , the 90nms overclock really
well. Add all that in and I dont see why anyone would get the 130nms
but then -- i havent kept up with the actual consumer users of the
chips to see what the buzz is with Ocing who Oceable really the 130nms
are. I initially read some reviews which said they werent very OCeable
- the 130nms. But Ive seen some users who claimed they OCed them to a
fair degree. If you see the Newegg consumer reviews of the new 90nms
though they do seem to be easily OCeable so Im glad I waited for the
939 90nm chips.

The GIgabyte boards also seem nice though the nforce 4 will be brand
new so it could be buggy initially like many new boards are based on
new chipsets.

Im pretty much set on going Nforce 3 now since they have the 111 buck
board with AGP and 5 PCI slots. Id like to have both AGP and PCI
express but all those claims of VIA or SIS coming out with it seem to
be wrong. No one is.

So Id have to sell my brand new 6800 AGP board and get a PCI express
if I went the nforce 4 option. It does seem a bit more feasible though
since there seems to be a nforce4 budget board coming out if you go by
that UK site - maybe around $110-120 or so. However theres the PCI
express problem. I dont see any PCI express boards right now in the
sweet spot that I want . Theres the high end $350-400+ and the low end
$89-120 and in the $200-250 range I dont see any 6800GT 128 megs or
the 6800 128 megs at around $200-250 in PCI express format . The only
thing you can find are 6600 cards. So your best bet would be to go
with the ATI PCI express or the 6600 card in PCI-e format unless you
want to spend big $$$.
The 90nm which is called the Winchester I think , is the new one and
the 130 the old one. Supposedly it runs cooler and reduces costs and
according to the an Anandtech article , the 90nms overclock really
well. Add all that in and I dont see why anyone would get the 130nms
but then -- i havent kept up with the actual consumer users of the
chips to see what the buzz is with Ocing who Oceable really the 130nms
are. I initially read some reviews which said they werent very OCeable
- the 130nms. But Ive seen some users who claimed they OCed them to a
fair degree. If you see the Newegg consumer reviews of the new 90nms
though they do seem to be easily OCeable so Im glad I waited for the
939 90nm chips.

The GIgabyte boards also seem nice though the nforce 4 will be brand
new so it could be buggy initially like many new boards are based on
new chipsets.

Im pretty much set on going Nforce 3 now since they have the 111 buck
board with AGP and 5 PCI slots. Id like to have both AGP and PCI
express but all those claims of VIA or SIS coming out with it seem to
be wrong. No one is.

So Id have to sell my brand new 6800 AGP board and get a PCI express
if I went the nforce 4 option. It does seem a bit more feasible though
since there seems to be a nforce4 budget board coming out if you go by
that UK site - maybe around $110-120 or so. However theres the PCI
express problem. I dont see any PCI express boards right now in the
sweet spot that I want . Theres the high end $350-400+ and the low end
$89-120 and in the $200-250 range I dont see any 6800GT 128 megs or
the 6800 128 megs at around $200-250 in PCI express format . The only
thing you can find are 6600 cards. So your best bet would be to go
with the ATI PCI express or the 6600 card in PCI-e format unless you
want to spend big $$$.

cheers mate

i probably would be looking at OC'in the 64 when i get it soted, this isnt
gonna be for a while for me though

always behind the times when it comes to PC's i can just look at the stuff
on the net and wnder how it must be for some people

i did realize alot of the 130nm processors were actually 754 and not 939, i
dont know if that is the case with them all but as far as i can see i will
end up with a 939 board with the 64 90nm probably about 3500+

As for PCI-E graphics i read that nvidia were going to be releasing a 6200
model only in PCI-E format, thats got to be better than nothing and as for
PCI-E boards gigabyte seem to be doing the best, for price (in UK GBP £££'s)
not sure about in the states bu a 3500+ and a nvidia 6200 PCI-E with the
possibility to bridge them together would be crazy (two gfx cards that is)

shame about AGP though i have just in the last year upgraded to AGP graphics
(thats how far behind i am)

recently got rid of a fx5200 for a 5900 the graphics are sweeter than
anyhing i have had on my previous machines

PCI cards and onboard geforce 2 crap lol good in its time but really
struggles with newer stuff

Thanks for the advice about the processors though

gonna have to look into OC'in a 64
recently got rid of a fx5200 for a 5900 the graphics are sweeter than
anyhing i have had on my previous machines

The 5900 is a decent card . like you Im in the twilight zone.

VIA may have gotten a leg up on Nforce4 if they had AGP + PCI express
which even Anandtech claimed.

I just read that ASUS dumped VIA for now claiming they werent up to
snuff , they use the term "efficient" though they say it may be
temporary though the other makers are using them. They need some
gimmick. However if they cant do it decently then of course forget it.
There was some talk about some makers trying to fit a AGP into a
modded PCI slot or something on INTEL boards which resulted in a big
performance hit so they scrapped the idea.

Well Id get the 6600 Pci express card or the ATI equivalent if I were
getting one now - unless I could find a killer deal on a 6800 128 meg
since i got mine for $200 but you cant find a 6800 pci express for
$200-250. But Ive seen 6600s for around $200 maybe less so that seems
like the best deal now.