AMD 2500



Hi Group,

I am new to computer assembly. I managed to get my own going without any big
problems, but I stumbled on one that I just set up for a friend.
I bought a new motherboard for him, an ASRock K7VM2, compatible with Duron
and Athlon Processors. I myself also have a similar configuration and the
same processor; a AMD XP 2500. (Barton)
On my computer, when I run it up, it says XP 2500. However on the new
computer with the same processor, when it is run up; it only reads 1700.
Where are the other 800? :)

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.


Yves Leclerc

Most AMD motherboards support various AMD processor speed. This is done
with the setting of the Front Side Bus (FSB) speed. Make sure that the
motherboard FSB is correctly set for the AMD processor (133Mhz???).

Ted K

Hi Group,

I am new to computer assembly. I managed to get my own going without any big
problems, but I stumbled on one that I just set up for a friend.
I bought a new motherboard for him, an ASRock K7VM2, compatible with Duron
and Athlon Processors. I myself also have a similar configuration and the
same processor; a AMD XP 2500. (Barton)
On my computer, when I run it up, it says XP 2500. However on the new
computer with the same processor, when it is run up; it only reads 1700.
Where are the other 800? :)

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

The speed of the XP2500 is 1.83Gh (1830Mh). I'm not familiar with
you MB, but I suspect that you are using FSB 133 which would result is
1560Mh cpu speed since this chip has a locked in multiplier of 11
(i.e., 11 X 133 or 1563Mh - where the 1700 comes from, I don't know!)

To get the "normal" speed of the chip the FSB must be 166 (11 X 166 =
1830Mh, the spec speed).

The chip can be overclocked by changing the FSB to 200 producing
2.2Gh. (which is the speed of the AMD XP3200, if I am not mistaken).
It runs hotter at that speed and needs adequate cooling for that.

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