maybe ms forgot about this newsgroup
maybe ms forgot about this newsgroup
robinb said:maybe ms forgot about this newsgroup
I hope so. Seeing new posts to this newsgroup is easy, since on screen
it lurks at the bottom of the few others I keep up with, underneath my
email folders. Without this group, I wouldn't see many of the notices
about updates to MS and and others' products that get posted here, at
least not in a timely way.
robinb said:yes it is monitored and yes they do know but my sources at ms told me it
would be the first to go- so that is why I was wondering why it is still
What the **** is your problem? Do you always need to have the last word?Randy Knobloch said:There is not much point in the two of us trying to have any sort of
You now know who the *Go-To* person for this group is *not* all of your
supposed contacts at MS. :|
The NG is owned, controlled by MS, it could go poof at any time.
Why MS has elected not to take the WD group _this one_ to the Web, I do
not know neither do I really care since if it did, I would not use the Web
since none of this would be tolerated since it is all Off-Topic !
There is not much point in the two of us trying to have any sort of
You now know who the *Go-To* person for this group is *not* all of
your other supposed contacts at MS. :|
The NG is owned, controlled by MS, it could go poof at any time.
Why MS has elected not to take the WD group _this one_ to the Web, I
do not know neither do I really care since if it did, I would not use
the Web UI since none of this would be tolerated since it is all
Off-Topic !