Smaller than a laptop- The Aopen Pandora miniPC. Powerful and cheap.
Just 6.5 inches square, 2 inches tall * Runs Windows XP or Linux * slot
loading DVD / CD-RW * Modern Intel CPU * runs silent and cool. Perfect
for just about any room or application. DVE / VGA / TV /HDTV outputs *
10/100/1000 gigabit ethernet * All built-in!
Just $499 here: http://www.dvnation.com/pandora.html
pics show size: http://www.dvnation.com/pandorapics.html
Just 6.5 inches square, 2 inches tall * Runs Windows XP or Linux * slot
loading DVD / CD-RW * Modern Intel CPU * runs silent and cool. Perfect
for just about any room or application. DVE / VGA / TV /HDTV outputs *
10/100/1000 gigabit ethernet * All built-in!
Just $499 here: http://www.dvnation.com/pandora.html
pics show size: http://www.dvnation.com/pandorapics.html