Wonder of anyone has help ideas for me to learn to operate Windows Vista Home
Premium (present from my brother), specially to
- set up workable user accounts,
- clean away unneccessary 'window'dressing' in email and Explorer;
- if it is possible to increase the hard drive by using both sides
- what security software is part of the package
- if it is compatible with 'SpeedUpMyPC' and 'Easycleaner' to clear away
excess duplicate files,
- it if is provided with a user-friendly manual to address registry errors
- if it has a facility to REALLY delete (shred) files to enable memory
- if updates will be or are available to address the user accounts problem
because this really scares me to use Vista at all?
Premium (present from my brother), specially to
- set up workable user accounts,
- clean away unneccessary 'window'dressing' in email and Explorer;
- if it is possible to increase the hard drive by using both sides
- what security software is part of the package
- if it is compatible with 'SpeedUpMyPC' and 'Easycleaner' to clear away
excess duplicate files,
- it if is provided with a user-friendly manual to address registry errors
- if it has a facility to REALLY delete (shred) files to enable memory
- if updates will be or are available to address the user accounts problem
because this really scares me to use Vista at all?