Windows Vista Am I the only one who thinks...

Sep 17, 2005
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Vista is an overated piece of memory hogging, power sucking garbage, filled with copycat ideas brought in by microsoft as a cash cow before they have to finally give the OS market to the open sourcers?

or is it just pecimistic grumpy old me?
PotGuy said:
Vista is an overated piece of memory hogging, power sucking garbage, filled with copycat ideas brought in by microsoft as a cash cow before they have to finally give the OS market to the open sourcers?

or is it just pecimistic grumpy old me?
Yes to the first question
And are you grumpy, No just another pi55ed off Microsoft consumer & you join a growing list!!
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not bad but you missed off the filled with security flaws
But isn't Vista supposed to be totaly secure with tons of protection for everything and full of new and "can't see how we managed before " features . Please don't tell me MicroSop have boobed . :p

How many of you touted ... "I ain't running XP on my PC" ... hands up, come on, be honest.

If you are going to buy a PC, from a PC manufacturer, you ain't gonna get nuffin but Vista preinstalled. Better get the "how to build a PC" manual out. Oh, and then fine some company still selling XP 'cos they need to get rid of excess stock. OR, go the Linux road.

Look on the bright side ... you don't own the MS OS software you have "bought" anyway. ;)
christopherpostill said:
Works great here - really getting quite used to it :)

Have you tried copying any movies or music cd's for backup purposes yet ? :D
yes vista is not an ideal, and may be it's a real crap, but... you, me and the other people will use it as we used 95, 98, now XP. i've never met a person who doesn't use windows, many of them complain that windows is a crap and say that they will use linux, but they are still using windows.
muckshifter said:
How many of you touted ... "I ain't running XP on my PC" ... hands up, come on, be honest.
My hands up:D
Do i get a prize for being honest:p
Yeah I thought Vista was crap for games too. Also, I hate paying microsoft anything. We can still buy XP OEM's for a while right?

Oh and a good many years back I owned an Apple OS 7.1. As opposed to windows dos/95/98.

I only got XP when I realised that you cant do anything software/hardware wise with a mac.
muckshifter said:
This may interest you, if you ain't read it already ...,1697,2090627,00.asp


Thanks for that link Mucks - interesting.

Looks mostly good, doesn't it? It would seem that you have to enable administrator privileges within most Game's properties for them to work and I also noted that Call Of Duty 2 won't run with Anti-Aliasing enabled.

And it does seem as if MS have to sort out a few problems with that Game Explorer feature to get it to run right.

And, as reported just about everywhere, there's a lack of decent drivers for just about everything right now.

So, it's as I thought, I shall be patient and maybe entertain this thing about six months down the road.
Well i am staying where i am least for the time being.

PotGuy said:
At least you can't get nostalgic about xp. Because its turd.

Quit your complaining.

Flops - i have Counter Strike, Counter Strike Source, Half Life 2, Flight Simulator X, Live For Speed and Dark Messiah Might & Magic installed on my rig. :)