You get what you pay for in this day and age, if you're willing to
part with about 50 bucks, buy a Thermaltake, model CL-P0114, it has a
nice adjustable fan, make sure you get some thermal grease for it from
Arctic Silver (on eBay for about a buck), and off you go. A lot of
heatsinks are difficult to mount or require an extra power supply, but
installation is always a problem. I have this model on an AM2 and it
works something great! ASUS makes something called the Chilly Vent Lux
which is also another great fan.
The links are for pictures and technical references. Going to
Pricegrabber.com might save you some money. I like Newegg.com but I
live in Jersey and get raped on sales tax AND shipping because they
have a wharehouse here. But I do get it the next day, which I can't
complain about.
A fair warning, the Thermaltake is HUGE, it's not going to fit in a
small case, so be careful, if you have the room, get it.