Kevin W
Can anybody spot my silly mistake ?
I'm having problems running a query which attempts to
update fields in a Excel 97 spreadsheet, linked as a table
(Clarifications) into an Access 97 database using two
native tables, tblIssues and
tblClar_Status_to_Issue_Status. I'm using the following
query :
UPDATE Clarifications INNER JOIN tblIssues ON
Clarifications.[Issue No] = tblIssues.Issue_ID SET
Clarifications.[CLAR STATUS] = (SELECT
Clarification_Status FROM tblClar_Status_to_Issue_Status
tblIssues.Status =
The query 'compiles' without any errors but when I try to
open it, it threatens to do something and then I get a
message :
"Operation must use an updateable query".
I presume this is saying that Access is treating the
linked table as a view query and that this is not
updateable. However, If I open the Clarifications
datasheet, I can alter fields and the changes are
reflected in the underlying spreadsheet which is what I
want to achieve. The Updateable property (read-only)for
the Clarifications tabledef object is indeed false so this
is consistent with Access's response to my query but
doesn't explain why I can update the spreasheed
mandrollically via the datasheet for the linked table. The
spreadsheet is not read-only. The Microsoft website hints
at problems in this area with solutions when encoutering
this problem in ADO access to external excel spreadsheets
but seems quiet on this particular manifestation of the
Any help would be appreciated, particularly since
Microsoft have just recently stopped supporting this
product. If it's a known problem, that's fine because I
can stop bothering.
Thanks in advance,
Can anybody spot my silly mistake ?
I'm having problems running a query which attempts to
update fields in a Excel 97 spreadsheet, linked as a table
(Clarifications) into an Access 97 database using two
native tables, tblIssues and
tblClar_Status_to_Issue_Status. I'm using the following
query :
UPDATE Clarifications INNER JOIN tblIssues ON
Clarifications.[Issue No] = tblIssues.Issue_ID SET
Clarifications.[CLAR STATUS] = (SELECT
Clarification_Status FROM tblClar_Status_to_Issue_Status
tblIssues.Status =
The query 'compiles' without any errors but when I try to
open it, it threatens to do something and then I get a
message :
"Operation must use an updateable query".
I presume this is saying that Access is treating the
linked table as a view query and that this is not
updateable. However, If I open the Clarifications
datasheet, I can alter fields and the changes are
reflected in the underlying spreadsheet which is what I
want to achieve. The Updateable property (read-only)for
the Clarifications tabledef object is indeed false so this
is consistent with Access's response to my query but
doesn't explain why I can update the spreasheed
mandrollically via the datasheet for the linked table. The
spreadsheet is not read-only. The Microsoft website hints
at problems in this area with solutions when encoutering
this problem in ADO access to external excel spreadsheets
but seems quiet on this particular manifestation of the
Any help would be appreciated, particularly since
Microsoft have just recently stopped supporting this
product. If it's a known problem, that's fine because I
can stop bothering.
Thanks in advance,