I am creating a report based on items that the user selects from a
multi-choice list box. In the code I cycle through the items selected in the
list box and then build the SQL statement. Is there another way to do this
part? A better way?
I want to assign the RecordSource (the SQL statement I just created) to the
report at run-time. It appears to me that I cannot set an object to a report
until it is open in some way. In the code below I have opened the report in
design mode. This is all so I can assign the RecordSource at run-time. There
must be a more elegant way of doing this. Do you know what it is?
Below is the code;
Private Sub cmdOk_Click()
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItm As Variant
Dim SQL As String
Dim rtpTest As Report
'The initial part of the SQL statement
SQL = "SELECT Transactions.Date, Transactions.Amount,
Transactions.[Transaction Description] "
SQL = SQL & "FROM Transactions WHERE ("
'open the report in design view so I can set object to it
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptTest", acViewDesign
Set rptTest = Reports!rptTest
Set ctl = Me.lstTranDesc
For Each varItm In ctl.ItemsSelected
'append select items to the SQL statement
SQL = SQL & "Transactions.[Transaction Description] = " &
ctl.ItemData(varItm) & " OR "
Next varItm
'take off the excess 'OR'
SQL = Left(SQL, (Len(SQL) - 4))
'finish off the SQL statement
SQL = SQL & ") AND Transactions.Date Between
SQL = SQL & " And [Forms]![frmPickYourOwn]![dtTo]"
'assign the recordsource property
rptTest.RecordSource = SQL
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptTest", acViewPreview, , , acWindowNormal
End Sub
I am creating a report based on items that the user selects from a
multi-choice list box. In the code I cycle through the items selected in the
list box and then build the SQL statement. Is there another way to do this
part? A better way?
I want to assign the RecordSource (the SQL statement I just created) to the
report at run-time. It appears to me that I cannot set an object to a report
until it is open in some way. In the code below I have opened the report in
design mode. This is all so I can assign the RecordSource at run-time. There
must be a more elegant way of doing this. Do you know what it is?
Below is the code;
Private Sub cmdOk_Click()
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItm As Variant
Dim SQL As String
Dim rtpTest As Report
'The initial part of the SQL statement
SQL = "SELECT Transactions.Date, Transactions.Amount,
Transactions.[Transaction Description] "
SQL = SQL & "FROM Transactions WHERE ("
'open the report in design view so I can set object to it
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptTest", acViewDesign
Set rptTest = Reports!rptTest
Set ctl = Me.lstTranDesc
For Each varItm In ctl.ItemsSelected
'append select items to the SQL statement
SQL = SQL & "Transactions.[Transaction Description] = " &
ctl.ItemData(varItm) & " OR "
Next varItm
'take off the excess 'OR'
SQL = Left(SQL, (Len(SQL) - 4))
'finish off the SQL statement
SQL = SQL & ") AND Transactions.Date Between
SQL = SQL & " And [Forms]![frmPickYourOwn]![dtTo]"
'assign the recordsource property
rptTest.RecordSource = SQL
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptTest", acViewPreview, , , acWindowNormal
End Sub