For clarification, only the Expense Report and Travel Expense Report Receipts
are reimbursed. These are paid by my boss' MasterCard.
The Check Request would only come about if a vendor sent a bill to us and
the parent company (which is in CA) would pay the bill, I would then do a
Check Request for that expense to them.
Purchase Orders are generated when an expense is charged to our company
account, for instance, for office supplies.
That is why I decided to have a tblReceipts. There is a dropdown box on the
tblReceipts that would open the appropriate form, i.e., Expense, Purchase
Order, etc. I thought that because everything generated from a Receipt that
would be the way to go?
You are correct that there is a frmExpenseReport (with the expense report
number, date I generate the expense report) and a frmExpenseReportDetails
(Expense date, supplier, amount, etc.)
This is where I start going around in circles and not understanding how to
set up the relationships, forms, etc. I have a frmMasterCardDetails and
somehow I do have to tie this in with the frmReimbursementCheck and
frmReimbursementDetails. The only way to do that is to have a drop down
field on the frmMasterCardDetails where I would select the
ReimbursementCheckID when it has been paid?
Also, I am not sure how to tie the Receipt/ExpenseReport into the
MasterCardDetails/ReimbursementCheck. If it would help, I can e-mail you a
relationship printout out or anything else that would help. My e-mail is
(e-mail address removed).
I guess this is just beyond my abilities at the moment. But, I am trying to
learn! I appreciate all the advice you can provide.