I create an image for a PC, I build and test it and I verify that It works
well. The problem is when I insert the PID code to enable the image.
I buy a Windows XP Embedded COA licence sticker where there are these 2
codes: xxxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx (all the digits are numbers) and Xxx-xxxxx (the
first X is a letter the other all numbers)
I think that the PID code is the firstone, but in any case i try to insert
both codes but the problem is always the same: during FBA I obtain lsass.exe
Someone said me that the problem could be that the PID code is not correct
for SP1, so I did these steps:
1) I update our tool kit with KB888506 QFE, I build again the image but the
problem is always the same;
2) I update our tool kit with SP2 and I build angain the image with SP1 but
the problem is always the same;
3) Last step, I update all the components of my .slx file image with SP2 and
I build again the image but the problem is always the same.
Can someone suggest me a solution?
What could be the problem?
which is the exact PID code in the sticker?
How should I write the PID code?Exactly as in the sticker or I should add
other characters?
Is it possible that I miss some other settings in my image? Consider that
without PID (so 90days validity) the image works well.
could be the PID code wrong? Can someone give me a PID code that is good to
verify if the problem is my PID code?
well. The problem is when I insert the PID code to enable the image.
I buy a Windows XP Embedded COA licence sticker where there are these 2
codes: xxxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx (all the digits are numbers) and Xxx-xxxxx (the
first X is a letter the other all numbers)
I think that the PID code is the firstone, but in any case i try to insert
both codes but the problem is always the same: during FBA I obtain lsass.exe
Someone said me that the problem could be that the PID code is not correct
for SP1, so I did these steps:
1) I update our tool kit with KB888506 QFE, I build again the image but the
problem is always the same;
2) I update our tool kit with SP2 and I build angain the image with SP1 but
the problem is always the same;
3) Last step, I update all the components of my .slx file image with SP2 and
I build again the image but the problem is always the same.
Can someone suggest me a solution?
What could be the problem?
which is the exact PID code in the sticker?
How should I write the PID code?Exactly as in the sticker or I should add
other characters?
Is it possible that I miss some other settings in my image? Consider that
without PID (so 90days validity) the image works well.
could be the PID code wrong? Can someone give me a PID code that is good to
verify if the problem is my PID code?