
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
Well I am an older fella and a novice on the computer. I bought the xprepairpro registery cleaner and on the start up errors it listed AOL FAST START as a program I may not need. Is this program a henderence on my computer speed and if so should I or can I disable it? All suggestions are appericated. My email is [deleted by mucks] any advice would be greatly appericated. Thank you for your time and effort.
Welcome Alvin! Should have posted this in software section, will a mod. move it to the correct thread. I personally would uninstall aol fast start, if your not going to use it. Thanks.
Welcome to the Forums Alvin

Do as knockout says and re-post in the Software/Windows Applications section.

Also please delete your email address and refrain from posting it in forums - there are bots out there which roam the net harvesting email addys to then spam you to death ;)
Ady, I mod and admin at several sites, can you not just move this to that thread? I agree on emaill addy, need to edit post and get rid of it. Thanks. KO!
Unfortunately I don't have Mod permissions for this section - don't worry one of our 'Super Mods' Mucks will be along shortly to sort it out ;)