Alternatives to the Web Browser control

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian Simmons
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Brian Simmons

Hi All,

Curious to see if anyone has experience or knows about any alternative
components to using the WebBrowser control.

I found this component:
Essential HTMLUI

Does pretty much everything that I'd be looking for, just kinda put off by
the price. $500 seems a bit high with no source and for one component.

Why I'm looking: I simply don't want to rely on the MS WebBrowser control.
I'm looking for a solution which I will know exactly what the output will be
w/o having to know what version of the browser the client machine has.

I've googled and haven't found anything but the HTMLUI component. Anyone
know of any others???

Hi Brian,

I have searched the Internet for alternatives to the Web Browser control
and found a free component 'HTMLEidtor', which does viewing as well as

You may visit the following link to get more information and the component.
'The HtmlEditor - a C# control that wraps MSHTML'

Hope this helps.

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support

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Hi Brian,

How about the problem now?

If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.

Thank you for using our MSDN Managed Newsgroup Support Service!

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support
Hi Linda,

Thanks for the alternative web browser solution. One (hopefully quick)
follow-up, is that component:
Dependent on Internet Explorer being installed on the machine? I couldn't
tell from the webpage.

I'm really hoping for a IE-free solution.

Hi Brian,

It seems that that the HTMLEditor doesn't depend on the IE installed on the
machine. It's a wrapper for MSHTML and acts like an alternative of IE.

Note that since it is a 3rd-party product, Microsoft will not resposible
for its security and stability.

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support
Anyone coming across this thread while looking for an alternative to the WebBrowser control may be interested in checking out Gobicode's HTMLLabel control for Windows Forms, this is a managed control providing HTML rendering in WinForms.

The HTMLLabel is especially useful for rendering HTML formatted text and images within other controls such as grids and charts, not something that you'd want to do with the WebBrowser control.