Alternatives for long running processes?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Guest
  • Start date Start date


I have a peice of code that has become unacceptably long-running and ties up
the UI for too long. I'm looking for a solution. It used to be just the
task that had start and complete dates but now it is each person working on
the task has a start and complete date.

The code calculates the duration of a task. Here is an explaination. A
task can have many people working on it. Each person has a date the task was
issued to them and a date of which they complete their portion of the task.
To accurately calculate the duration I take the minimum Issued date and
maximum complete date or today if it's not complete and compaired each day to
a table of days that are marked as working days or not. If the day is a
working day then the duration is incramented. Any suggestions?

Public Function fTaskDuration(intTaskID As Integer) As Integer

Dim cnn As Connection
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
Dim sql As String
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

'get min Issued date and max complete date and for each day between the
'two count it if it falls within the working period of one of then people it
is assigned to.

'get min Issued Date
Dim minIssuedDate As Date
sql = "SELECT Min(TaskUserRole.IssuedDate) AS MinOfIssuedDate " & _
"FROM TaskUserRole WHERE (((TaskUserRole.TaskID)=" & intTaskID & "));"
rst.Open sql, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

If IsNull(rst.Fields("MinOfIssuedDate")) Then 'nobody started working on
it yet
GoTo Exit_fTaskDuration:
End If
minIssuedDate = rst.Fields("MinOfIssuedDate")

'If they are still working on it set max CompleteDate = today
Dim maxCompletedDate As Date
sql = "SELECT TaskUserRole.CompletedDate " & _
"FROM TaskUserRole WHERE (((TaskUserRole.CompletedDate) Is Null) AND
((TaskUserRole.TaskID)=" & intTaskID & "));"
rst.Open sql, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If rst.EOF Or rst.BOF Then
maxCompletedDate = Date
'Get max Complete date
sql = "SELECT Max(TaskUserRole.CompletedDate) AS MaxOfCompletedDate " & _
"FROM TaskUserRole WHERE (((TaskUserRole.TaskID)=" & intTaskID &
rst.Open sql, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
maxCompletedDate = rst.Fields("MaxOfCompletedDate")
End If

Dim d As Date
d = minIssuedDate
Do While d <= maxCompletedDate
sql = "SELECT TaskUserRole.TaskID " & _
"FROM TaskUserRole " & _
"WHERE (((TaskUserRole.TaskID)=" & intTaskID & ") AND " & _
"((TaskUserRole.IssuedDate)<=#" & d & "#) AND " & _
"((TaskUserRole.CompletedDate)>=#" & d & "# Or
(TaskUserRole.CompletedDate) Is Null));"
rst.Open sql, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If Not rst.EOF And Not rst.BOF Then
'if it is a working day then count it
If DLookup("WorkingDay", "Days", "[TheDate]=#" & d & "#") = "-1" Then
fTaskDuration = fTaskDuration + 1
End If
End If
d = d + 1

fTaskDuration = Format(fTaskDuration, 0)

Set rst = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing

End Function
hi Matt,

Matt said:
I have a peice of code that has become unacceptably long-running and ties up
the UI for too long. I'm looking for a solution. Any suggestions?
Just the last loop as an example:

Dim d As Date
d = minIssuedDate
Do While d <= maxCompletedDate
sql = "SELECT TaskUserRole.TaskID " & _
"FROM TaskUserRole " & _
"WHERE (((TaskUserRole.TaskID)=" & intTaskID & ") AND " & _
"((TaskUserRole.IssuedDate)<=#" & d & "#) AND " & _
"((TaskUserRole.CompletedDate)>=#" & d & "# Or
(TaskUserRole.CompletedDate) Is Null));"
rst.Open sql, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If Not rst.EOF And Not rst.BOF Then
'if it is a working day then count it
If DLookup("WorkingDay", "Days", "[TheDate]=#" & d & "#") = "-1" Then
fTaskDuration = fTaskDuration + 1
End If
End If
d = d + 1
This can be done with one SQL, no DLookup:

SELECT Sum(WorkingDay) * -1
WHERE d = <yourDate>

and using BETWEEN should make the loop obsolete:

WHERE d BETWEEN minIssueDate AND maxCompletedDate

--> stefan <--
Thanks for setting me straight Stefan. I didn't realize what I was doing.
Here's what I ended up with. I'll test it tomorrow. I had to use Count(*)
because the IsWorkingDay field is of datatype varchar so I can take advantage
of a triple-state checkbox.

sql = "SELECT Count(*) AS CountDays FROM Days WHERE (((Days.TheDate) Between
#" & minIssuedDate & "# And #" & maxCompleteDate & "#) AND " & _
"((Exists (SELECT TaskUserRole.TaskUserRoleID FROM TaskUserRole WHERE
(((TaskUserRole.TaskID)=" & intTaskID & ") AND
((TaskUserRole.IssuedDate)>=TheDate) AND
((TaskUserRole.CompletedDate)<=TheDate Or (TaskUserRole.CompletedDate) Is
rst.Open sql, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
fTaskDuration = rst.Fields("CountDays")