Beauchampy said:
This multimedia centre is driving me crazy. I have the All in wonder 9800
and everytime I launch the TV app, it just crashes (the send, dont send
Is there an alternative out there? I have updated all the drivers for the
card including the mmc and have updated direct x ect.
ATIs MMC should work perfectly well with your hardware - I have an AIW
8500DV and 2 original AIW Radeons and all work fine with MMC 9. Crashing
problems are usually caused by an incorrect installation including
installing the software while other programs open or running at the time
(including things like antivirus software which must be fully shutdown
during the installation process). Have you tried a fresh install to get it
working or have you given up on getting it to work - has it ever worked for
you? There are other programs which perform a subset of the functions of
MMC - but they cost money (although there are free ones which perform a
limited number of MMCs capabilities). Have you had a look at the Rage3d All
In Wonder forums here: If
you do a search for MMC installation procedure, there was a thread there
some time ago giving precise step-by-step instructions.