From: "Adam Leinss" <
[email protected]>
| Interesting. This sounds somewhat famliar with my run-in with the
| creator of Combofix. He took it down due to a "unknown bug", so I
| hosted it on my web site with a link back to his web site explaining
| the situation. I didn't think it reasonable that he took it down and
| wrote that on my blog. He didn't like that and then filed a DMCA claim
| against my site, even though the software is freeware.
| I took it down and haven't used it in a year. Anyways, if I can help
| in any way, let me know (the from address is my public facing address
| and is real). I think your software is a lot better than AVERT!, since
| AVERT! deletes the signatures after it is done downloading them.
| Do you have a newsletter or do you usually hang out here when you
| update the tool?
I know the author of ComboFix and I know its (the tools) intentions and I fully understand
why he would file a DMCA Takedown Notification to block you from hosting it. You (and all
the rest of unknowing users) need to know that ComboFix is a dangerous tool that can
corrupt the OS if used improperly. It also was known to corrupt the OS in instances of
certain TDSS RootKit variants. Thus he had to make sure other "copies" were removed. The
author makes sure ComboFix's distribution is tightly controlled.
**ComboFix should *ONLY* be used in conjunction with anti malware assistants on a help
Forum who have gone through proper malware removal training.
I do not have a newsletter -- sorry.
I am a regular participant in Usenet news groups and will frequent the malware related
groups such as; alt.comp.virus , alt.comp.anti-virus ,
and alt.privacy.spyware as well as other groups which include; alt.comp.freeware .
Although obviously obfuscated, my posting email address is real. Feel free to contact me