Glynn Novice
I have downloaded the MicrosoftAntiSpywareInstall.exe
program but it doesn't seem to run. It installs the files
but running the start menu item or clicking on the .exe
does nothing.
I noticed that an erro log was created with the following
content "429::ln 0:ActiveX component can't create
object::gcasServ:modMain:Main::12/04/2005 12:16:59
I do suspect that I do have some sort of spyware problem
on my PC.
Yesterday I manually removed a strange "Workstation
Netlogon Service" service registry but I still think that
there is a problem on my PC.
I was able to run the MSSSRT.exe program however after
the report is generated, it complained that "An error
occurred submitting the scan results. Please check you
Internet proxy setiings ant try again". [The MS message
does say "You" and not "Your".]
I checked my internet settings and they seem to be OK.
Inside of the XML report output, I noticed the following:
<Process ex="1" pid="1756" nam="(umpndisk.exe)" pub=""
md5="41bce3430bc03b28af9c3e290d8041c6" ver="" sz="88064"
is="0" gfp="">C:\WINDOWS\System32\umpndisk.exe</Process>
Which I think is an invalid process, but I can't seem to
stop it from the Task Manager (Complains that it "...
runs in the same process as the service control manager")
I am running XP SP1, but my "Windows Update" wont work
stating "Windows Update cannot continue because a
required service application is disabled".
Also my Nortons Virus program wont install and I am
seeing :"The server {72C2714F-4478-11D3-B537-
00902771A435} did not register with DCOM within the
required timeout." Error messages in my system log.
Hope you guys can sort this one out.
Glynn Novice
program but it doesn't seem to run. It installs the files
but running the start menu item or clicking on the .exe
does nothing.
I noticed that an erro log was created with the following
content "429::ln 0:ActiveX component can't create
object::gcasServ:modMain:Main::12/04/2005 12:16:59
I do suspect that I do have some sort of spyware problem
on my PC.
Yesterday I manually removed a strange "Workstation
Netlogon Service" service registry but I still think that
there is a problem on my PC.
I was able to run the MSSSRT.exe program however after
the report is generated, it complained that "An error
occurred submitting the scan results. Please check you
Internet proxy setiings ant try again". [The MS message
does say "You" and not "Your".]
I checked my internet settings and they seem to be OK.
Inside of the XML report output, I noticed the following:
<Process ex="1" pid="1756" nam="(umpndisk.exe)" pub=""
md5="41bce3430bc03b28af9c3e290d8041c6" ver="" sz="88064"
is="0" gfp="">C:\WINDOWS\System32\umpndisk.exe</Process>
Which I think is an invalid process, but I can't seem to
stop it from the Task Manager (Complains that it "...
runs in the same process as the service control manager")
I am running XP SP1, but my "Windows Update" wont work
stating "Windows Update cannot continue because a
required service application is disabled".
Also my Nortons Virus program wont install and I am
seeing :"The server {72C2714F-4478-11D3-B537-
00902771A435} did not register with DCOM within the
required timeout." Error messages in my system log.
Hope you guys can sort this one out.
Glynn Novice