Kathleen K.
How can I intentionally arrange my Favorites list
alphabetically? Seems now and then it does it by itself,
which messes me up, since I have taken time to drag
things where i want them. I have added numbers to the
ones I want at the top of the list, but can't find a
place to tell it to re-organize it. Everytime I rename a
file (like adding the numbers) it goes to the bottom of
the list, I presume as a last-saved last.
alphabetically? Seems now and then it does it by itself,
which messes me up, since I have taken time to drag
things where i want them. I have added numbers to the
ones I want at the top of the list, but can't find a
place to tell it to re-organize it. Everytime I rename a
file (like adding the numbers) it goes to the bottom of
the list, I presume as a last-saved last.