Chi Huynh
Example: I have a table which has three fields (ID,AMOUNT
and PRODUCT. For PRODUCT field ,I choose field type is a
look up wizard. Therefore in datasheet view , PRODUCT
column has a drop down list. However,the list always
sorted A-z or Z-A.
(Car,Chair,....Iron, ....Spoon ..Zipper, ). What should I
do if I want the list not follow by alphabet order?
Thank you
Chi Huynh
Example: I have a table which has three fields (ID,AMOUNT
and PRODUCT. For PRODUCT field ,I choose field type is a
look up wizard. Therefore in datasheet view , PRODUCT
column has a drop down list. However,the list always
sorted A-z or Z-A.
(Car,Chair,....Iron, ....Spoon ..Zipper, ). What should I
do if I want the list not follow by alphabet order?
Thank you
Chi Huynh