Almost ready for 7

Feb 16, 2009
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I'm gonna switch to windows 7 today and wanted to ask a question. Do i need to save my Program files?I'm wondering will they cause any conflict with the new set up.

So far i have defragged and made two back ups and and transferred everything photo and musicwise to an external drive and i think i'm ready to go but just thought i'd ask about my program files.
Thanks in advance.
Why do you want to save program files?

New files will be created when you install the relevant software within Win 7.

Things you might consider saving are:

Save Games
E-Mail addresses
Favourites folder for your browser(s)
Pictures (desktops etc)

And download all relevant drivers and store them somewhere before installing.

Motherboard; sound card, video card, printer(s), scanner, camera, game controllers to name a few.

And the very first thing you install is your anti-virus software and make it active.

I've almost certainly forgotten to mention everything but hopefully that'll give you a few pointers.

Good luck.
Well i'm back and thanks for the pointers Flopp's.....the switch was very fast, taking less than half an hour. Now starts the work.