Fantômas said:
OK, let me restate the question. I don't want users to modify,
but want them to have rights to open the timedate.cpl
and see the calendar.
Hi "Fantômas",
Perhaps this is what you are looking for:
Control Panel> [Performance and Maintenance] Administrative Tools>
\Local Security Policy
\Security Settings
\Local Policies
\User Rights Assignment
\Change the system time
Change the system time
This user right determines which users and groups can change the time and
date on the internal clock of the computer. Users that are assigned this
user right can affect the appearance of event logs. If the system time is
changed, events that are logged will reflect this new time, not the actual
time that the events occurred.
This user right is defined in the Default Domain Controller Group Policy
object (GPO) and in the local security policy of workstations and servers.
On workstations and servers:
Power Users
On domain controllers:
Server Operators
- - -
Limited Users under the above scheme, when trying to access the Date and
Time Properties would get this message: "You do not have the proper
privilege level to change the System Time." I don't see a way with the above
policy to grant access to the clock and calendar settings, without also
granting modification privileges. It appears to be all or nothing.
If all you need is a SysTray Calendar, here are some options:
QuickMonth Calendar Freeware download from SnapFiles
[Claims no Adware or Spyware within. My NOD32 AV scan was clean.]
Calendar that Runs In the System Tray
[Instructive for Visual Basic programmers.]
100 Google Search results for Systray Calendar:
HTH. (Hope This Helps.
