I am quite new to working with a sercured database and have a question. I
would like to allow my users to change their own passwords but since the
Tools drop down option is not available to them due to my startup settings
they cannot access the toolobar screen necessary to make this change.
I was thinking of creating a Macro that used the SetMenuItem action to make
only this toolbar selection available to the users. I would then trigger this
Macro by linking it to the OnOpen Event on my Switchboard form. But I can't
figure out the toolbars naming convention when attempting to set up the
Macro. The Help key did not seem to help me.(I'm feeling really dumb right
now so please be patient.)
Does anyone know what integer value I need to enter in the below fields to
produce my desired results below? Or am I trying to use the SetMenuItem macro
action incorrectly?
Menu Index: I would like to reference the Tools drop down.
Command Index: I would like to reference the Security Menu.
Subcommand Index: I would like to ungrey the User and Group Accounts option.
If this is not the most effective way to accomplish this task feel free to
suggest an alternative solution.
Thanks so much for your help,
I am quite new to working with a sercured database and have a question. I
would like to allow my users to change their own passwords but since the
Tools drop down option is not available to them due to my startup settings
they cannot access the toolobar screen necessary to make this change.
I was thinking of creating a Macro that used the SetMenuItem action to make
only this toolbar selection available to the users. I would then trigger this
Macro by linking it to the OnOpen Event on my Switchboard form. But I can't
figure out the toolbars naming convention when attempting to set up the
Macro. The Help key did not seem to help me.(I'm feeling really dumb right
now so please be patient.)
Does anyone know what integer value I need to enter in the below fields to
produce my desired results below? Or am I trying to use the SetMenuItem macro
action incorrectly?
Menu Index: I would like to reference the Tools drop down.
Command Index: I would like to reference the Security Menu.
Subcommand Index: I would like to ungrey the User and Group Accounts option.
If this is not the most effective way to accomplish this task feel free to
suggest an alternative solution.
Thanks so much for your help,