Allow user to move to next slide only after clicking hyperlinks


Gary Clutterbuck

I have a presentation in which one slide has six action settings that branch
to other custom shows, then return.
I want users of the presentation to only be able to move onto the next slide
after they have visited all 6 custom shows.
Can anyone help me please?

Troy @ TLC

Are you using the Viewer or full application? And what version (2003 or
2007) or whichever is being used? The scenary changes based on what you are

- Troy @ TLC

Gary Clutterbuck

Hi Troy,

I'll be using PowerPoint 2003, probably the viewer but perhaps the full
program. I'm not sure how the end product will be distributed across the
organisation yet.


Gary Clutterbuck

It's looking ever more likely that we will be using the full application
(2003) , rather than the viewer... although it would be nice to know the
difference it would make if we chose the alternative option (if this doesn't
cause too much trouble).

Thank you in advance for any help or advice you can provide.


John Wilson

Here's what I would do

a) Run in Kiosk mode (Slide Show > Set Up show)

This will work better in the full app because in the player the user can use
the mouse wheel.

b) Have an action button to link to the remainder of the presentation

c) Other shapes link to the custom shows

The trick is to prevent button "b" being pressed before the others.

Cover the button with 6 copies of itself but with no action (these can be
greyed for effect)

Have each of the other buttons trigger an exit of one of the covers.
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Sounds complicated but its easier to do than explain


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Gary Clutterbuck

Hi John,
Thank you for your help - it worked brilliantly!

I'm very grateful for your assistance, and the example demo made everything


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