Hi Sandy,
In VBA it would be as follows:
If IsNull(rs.Fields("FieldName").Value) Then
txtFields(0).Text = ""
txtFields(0).Text = rs.Fields("FieldName").Value
End if
That code is what works when using DAO, and it will be
very very similar for ADO objects as well.
Hope that helps.
Jim Carlock
Post replies to the newsgroup.
Hi Armin:
I guess I wasn't too clear. These textboxes are not connected to any
database. They are textboxes that can contain a DateTime value or can
contain nothing. I need code that essentially says "If the textbox is
empty, disregard the code that pertains to that textbox."
The error generated is: "System.InvalidCastException. Cast from string ""
to type 'Date' is not valid."
If I could find away to have the textboxes default to a 00:00:00 time value
if they were blank, that would work, but I don't know how to do that.
As long as all the textboxes are filled in with a time, the code works. If
some are left blank, I get the error.
Any ideas?