Assuming that you have admin. priveledges on the second domain:
1. Make sure the network cable is plugged into the laptop
2. Log onto the laptop as local Administrator
3. Right-click 'My Computer'
4. Click the 'Network Identification' tab
5. Click the 'Network ID' button
6. Follow the prompts to add your domain username and password to
the 2nd domain (make sure you specify domain #2, that way the next
time you log onto the laptop, you will have a drop down arrow giving
you logon choices)
7. If prompted for the username and password of someone with permissions
to add the computer or user to the domain, enter your Admin. username and PW
8. When propmted to add the user account to the local computer select 'yes' and
give the account local Admin priveledges
9. If prompted, follow the steps to add the laptop to the domain as well
The procedure may vary depending on what you've done with this laptop already
and unless the domain policy overides the laptop's local policy, you should see
your normal desktop, programs, etc. no matter where you log on.
| need to allow laptop users to log in to differnt domains
| both users using xp pro
| domains can't be trusted
| not practical to constantly retype domain field under
| network identification tab would like to have both
| domains be listed in options drop down list at initial
| log on screen.
| would also use a program if necessary to provide this
| functionality
| Please email response