Allow as user other users to modify calendar?



Hi there!

Is it possible that a normal user may allow other users to modify his/her
calender, but the others also should have no special rights.
Is this possible at all?

Thanks in advance, lg Clemens



I'm not 100% sure I've understood your question, but if you are running
Exchange Server, then based on what I *think* you're asking, the answer is

If you are running Exchange Server, a normal user can assign anyone they
want as a delegate to any folder or combination of folders (out of Inbox,
Calendar, Tasks, Contacts, Journal, and Notes) in their mailbox, and give
them any level of permissions they want. To assign delegate permissions, go
to Tools, Options, Delegates and assign away.

Alternately, you can right click on the calendar and select Properties, then
Permissions. Then you can pick anyone from the address book and give them
whatever permissions you want. You should also see a "user" of Default, and
this means what permissions do you want anyone not explicitly listed
elsewhere in the list to have. Many people will set this to either Reviewer
(read-only) or None.

In both cases, note that if you want the person you're giving the
permissions to be able to access the folder from their own Navigation Pane
(assuming Outlook 2003 here), you *also* have to assign the person
permissions at the Mailbox level.

Good luck!


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