
Feb 23, 2002
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I just read an article on the BBC about the music indutry, and it mentioned that has something like 11% of the legal downloads in this country.

Just checked it out and it is MUCH cheaper than iTunes/Napster. Just bought a track for 4 pence.... yes, 4p! It works on filesize, so you can get some tracks for 3p-10p.

When you sign up you get a $0.20 bonus, enough for ~2 songs. Worth checking out if you are a music buff!

Not bought anything myself using my card yet (just downloaded the 1 song), but will use this in future :D
Yeah, from the small MP3 players thread? Thats why I checked it out! :D
We love it - unprotected files, choose your own format and quality, dirrrrrt cheap... its fantastic. We just chuck $25 credit on at a time and download new albums for the media centre :)
i would download up but if i am not mistaken this site is under look from the russian government. Apparently if i am talking about the sam site which i am pretty sure i am, the site is using a sorta loophole in the russian copyright law which enables them to run a site like this, but the record labels are looking at this and want the russians to look over and change their copyright law which would deem the site illegal as the site is not giving any money to the copyrighy holders ( the record labels) soa t the moment the record labels cant do anything to the site as it is within the russian copyright laws but as i said they are reviewing the laws.

that is all what i heard i cant confirm any of that

EDIT: confirmed that this is the site go into their help section in a section it talks about all the russian copyright and distibrution stuff so i wouldnt be surprised if this site dissapeared one day but for that to happen the russians will have to change their copyright laws so it all depends on them
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