When reporting my time worked I have several funding streams I mus
charge to. If I take sick, annual, or a paid holiday I must allocat
the leave hours proportionate to the time I worked for that week. Fo
I work 25 of 35 hours for fund #1 = 71.5% of total time
I work 7 of 35 hours for fund #2 = 20% of total time
I work 3 of 35 hours for fund #3 = 8.5% of total time
I take 4 hours annual leave and 1 hour sick leave for a tota
possible work week of 40 hours
I need to allocate the leave proportionately (the same percentage) t
each of the funds I charged actual work time to.
Does anyone out there have the Excel savy to create what I need. M
skills are limited
charge to. If I take sick, annual, or a paid holiday I must allocat
the leave hours proportionate to the time I worked for that week. Fo
I work 25 of 35 hours for fund #1 = 71.5% of total time
I work 7 of 35 hours for fund #2 = 20% of total time
I work 3 of 35 hours for fund #3 = 8.5% of total time
I take 4 hours annual leave and 1 hour sick leave for a tota
possible work week of 40 hours
I need to allocate the leave proportionately (the same percentage) t
each of the funds I charged actual work time to.
Does anyone out there have the Excel savy to create what I need. M
skills are limited