Allen Browne's Audit Trail code, Run-time error '3825'

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After inserting Allen Browne's Audit Trail code, I attempted to change some
data in my Hardware subform.

I received the following error message: Run-time error '3825': SELECT cannot
be used in an INSERT

INTO query when the source or destination table contains a multi-valued
field. The Debug and the

complete VBA code follows.

Debug Error:
If Not bWasNewRecord Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser
) " & _
"SELECT 'EditFrom' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName()
AS Expr3, " & sTable &

".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " = "
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If

Complete VBA Code:
Option Compare Database

' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed), 2006.
' Purpose: Audit trail, to track Deletes, Edits, and Inserts.
' Does not audit any Cascading Updates/Deletes.

' Requirements: The table to be audited must have an AutoNumber primary key.
' Data entry must be through a form.

' Method: Makes a copy of the record in a temp table, and logs the
' change when it is guaranteed. The temp table copes with:
' - multiple deletes at once (continuous/datasheet view)
' - cancelled deletes or failed updates.
' - requirement for sequential numbering in the audit table.
' On a multi-user split (front-end/back-end) database, the
' temp table may reside in the front end, and the audit log
' in the back-end.

' Result: The audit table will contain one record for each deletion or
' insertion, and two records for each edit (before and after).
' Delete Copy of the deleted record, marked "Delete".
' Insert Copy of the new record, marked "Insert".
' Change: Copy of the record before change, marked "EditFrom".
' Copy of the record after change, marked "EditTo".
' This approach, together with the sequential numbering of the
' AutoNumber in the audit table makes tampering with the audit
' log more detectable.

'Note: Record confirmations need to be on. When opening the database:
' If Not Application.GetOption("Confirm Record Changes") Then
' Application.SetOption ("Confirm Record Changes"), True
' End If

Option Explicit

Private Const conMod As String = "ajbAudit"
Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

Function NetworkUserName() As String
'On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Purpose: Returns the network login name
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strUserName As String

NetworkUserName = "Unknown"

strUserName = String$(254, 0)
lngLen = 255&
lngX = apiGetUserName(strUserName, lngLen)
If (lngX > 0&) Then
NetworkUserName = Left$(strUserName, lngLen - 1&)
End If

Exit Function

'Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".NetworkUserName",
, False)
'Resume Exit_Handler
End Function

Function AuditDelBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sKeyField
As String, lngKeyValue

As Long) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the record to a tmp audit table.
' Copy to be written to real audit table in AfterDelConfirm.
'Arguments: sTable = name of table to be audited.
' sAudTmpTable = the name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of AutoNumber field in table.
' lngKeyValue = number in the AutoNumber field.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from a form's Delete event. Example:
' Call AuditDelBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID)
'Note: Must also call AuditDelEnd in the form's AfterDelConfirm
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' Append record to the temp audit table.
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser ) "
& _
"SELECT 'Delete' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " &

"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " = " &
lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

'Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditDelBegin()",
, False)
'Resume Exit_AuditDelBegin
End Function

Function AuditDelEnd(sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable As String, Status As
Integer) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelEnd
'Purpose: If the deletion was completed, copy the data from the
' temp table to the autit table. Empty temp table.
'Arguments: sAudTmpTable = name of temp audit table
' sAudTable = name of audit table
' Status = Status from the form's AfterDelConfirm event.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from form's AfterDelConfirm event. Example:
' Call AuditDelEnd("audTmpInvoice", "audInvoice", Status)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Currrent database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' If the Delete proceeded, copy the record(s) from temp table to delete
' Note: Only "Delete" types are copied: cancelled Edits may be there as
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
If Status = acDeleteOK Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT " & sAudTmpTable & ".*
FROM " &

sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'Delete');"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If

'Remove the temp record(s).
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
AuditDelEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

'Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditDelEnd()",
'Resume Exit_AuditDelEnd
End Function

Function AuditEditBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sKeyField
As String, _
lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the old values to temp table.
' It is then copied to the true audit table in AuditEditEnd.
'Arugments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's BeforeUpdate event. Example:
' bWasNewRecord = Me.NewRecord
' Call AuditEditBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID,

Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String

'Remove any cancelled update still in the tmp table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL

' If this was not a new record, save the old values.
If Not bWasNewRecord Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser
) " & _
"SELECT 'EditFrom' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName()
AS Expr3, " & sTable &

".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " = "
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If

AuditEditBegin = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

'Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod &
".AuditEditBegin()", , False)
'Resume Exit_AuditEditBegin
End Function

Function AuditEditEnd(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable As
String, _
sKeyField As String, lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditEnd
'Purpose: Write the audit trail to the audit table.
'Arguments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sAudTable = name of the audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's AfterUpdate event. Example:
' Call AuditEditEnd("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"audInvoice", "InvoiceID",

Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim sSQL As String
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)

If bWasNewRecord Then
' Copy the new values as "Insert".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'Insert' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* "

& _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " = "
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
' Copy the latest edit from temp table as "EditFrom".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT TOP 1 " & sAudTmpTable
& ".* FROM " &

sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'EditFrom') ORDER BY " &
sAudTmpTable &

".audDate DESC;"
db.Execute sSQL
' Copy the new values as "EditTo"
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'EditTo' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".*

" & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " = "
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL
' Empty the temp table.
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If

AuditEditEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

'Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditEditEnd()",
, False)
'Resume Exit_AuditEditEnd
End Function

Hi John,

It sounds like you are using Access 2007. It is the only version (that I
know of) that has multi-valued fields. I don't think Allen has modified the
code for multi-valued fields.

From what I understand about A2K7,

you see several values in a "field", but behind the scenes, the values
are actually stored in separate records, in a hidden table;

the multi-valued field violates Normalization rules (fields are not

you will have problems building queries;

you will have problems with SQL in code, because (AFAIK) there is no
version of SQL that can handle multi-valued fields;

if you decide to use SQL Express or SQL Server, you will have major
problems converting.

I don't have (or plan to buy) A2K7 and I have not seen any code for working
with multi-valued fields, so I can't suggest any modifications to Allan's

I could only suggest not using multi-valued fields.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Thanks. I thought it was just me. Looks like Microsoft has done it again!
They make an application that violates the 'rules'. Yes, I'm using Access
2007. We'll just record the date and time our entries are made in the
database. Since we are a very small group, it will be easy to figure out who
made the entries.
That's correct: the code has not been updated to handle tables with
Multi-Valued Fields (Access 2007 only.)

Have just updated the page to explicitly reflect this limitation.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Jan Baird is out of the country until September 20. Every effort will be
made to respond to messages, but please be patient.
Jan Baird is out of the country until September 20. Every effort will be
made to respond to messages, but please be patient.
Jan Baird is out of the country until September 20. Every effort will be
made to respond to messages, but please be patient.