Allen Browne Help me with Audit log

  • Thread starter Thread starter Koulla
  • Start date Start date


Hi Allen I use your code but an " error '3061' Too few parameters. Expected
1." appears I check all my fields again and again I change all my combo boxes
to text box and check boxes to text box but the error still there !!!

I am desparate what I am doing wrong ???

Please help me !
Well, I'm not Allen and I don't know how his audit log utility works, but if
you want to understand the "Too Few Parameters" error, you might want to
down load this sample:'

With the sample is an article that explains the error and how to correct it.
Although it's not specifically aimed at Allen's program, it might give you
some ideas of where to look for the problem.

--Roger Carlson
MS Access MVP
Access Database Samples:
Want answers to your Access questions in your Email?
Free subscription:
My error 3061 too few parameters solved. Now I have the following error
compile error "ByRef argument type mismatch"
on this code
Public Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Call AuditEditEnd("audTmpBlabes", "AuditLogBlabes", Status)
End Sub
Status is higlighten

Please help me I cann't find whats wrong !!
Koulla said:
My error 3061 too few parameters solved. Now I have the following error
compile error "ByRef argument type mismatch"
on this code
Public Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Call AuditEditEnd("audTmpBlabes", "AuditLogBlabes", Status)
End Sub
Status is higlighten

Look at the code for AuditEditEnd, and check what data types it expects
for the parameters you supply.
I'm not Allen either and I don't know how his audit log utility works, but
you should be able to resolve the "Too Few Parameters" error with this

Most likely the audit log utility is creating a querydef. Put the following
in the appropriate place in the code:

Dim Qdf As QueryDef
Dim Param As Parameter
Set Qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("NameOfTheQuery")
For Each Param in Qdf.Parameters
Param.Value = Eval(Param.Name)
Next Param

(e-mail address removed)
Ok I am copying here the code of Allen

' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed), 2006.

' Purpose: Audit trail, to track Deletes, Edits, and Inserts.
' Does not audit any Cascading Updates/Deletes.

' Requirements: The table to be audited must have an AutoNumber primary key.
' Data entry must be through a form.

' Method: Makes a copy of the record in a temp table, and logs the
' change when it is guaranteed. The temp table copes with:
' - multiple deletes at once (continuous/datasheet view)
' - cancelled deletes or failed updates.
' - requirement for sequential numbering in the audit table.
' On a multi-user split (front-end/back-end) database, the
' temp table may reside in the front end, and the audit log
' in the back-end.

' Result: The audit table will contain one record for each deletion or
' insertion, and two records for each edit (before and after).
' Delete Copy of the deleted record, marked "Delete".
' Insert Copy of the new record, marked "Insert".
' Change: Copy of the record before change, marked "EditFrom".
' Copy of the record after change, marked "EditTo".
' This approach, together with the sequential numbering of the
' AutoNumber in the audit table makes tampering with the audit
' log more detectable.

'Note: Record confirmations need to be on. When opening the database:
' If Not Application.GetOption("Confirm Record Changes") Then
' Application.SetOption ("Confirm Record Changes"), True
' End If

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Const conMod As String = "ajbAudit"
Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

Function NetworkUserName() As String
'On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Purpose: Returns the network login name
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strUserName As String

NetworkUserName = "Unknown"

strUserName = String$(254, 0)
lngLen = 255&
lngX = apiGetUserName(strUserName, lngLen)
If (lngX > 0&) Then
NetworkUserName = Left$(strUserName, lngLen - 1&)
End If

Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".NetworkUserName",
, False)
Resume Exit_Handler
End Function

Function AuditDelBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sKeyField
As String, lngKeyValue As Long) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the record to a tmp audit table.
' Copy to be written to real audit table in AfterDelConfirm.
'Arguments: sTable = name of table to be audited.
' sAudTmpTable = the name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of AutoNumber field in table.
' lngKeyValue = number in the AutoNumber field.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from a form's Delete event. Example:
' Call AuditDelBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID)
'Note: Must also call AuditDelEnd in the form's AfterDelConfirm
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' Append record to the temp audit table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser ) "
& _
"SELECT 'Delete' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]" & "." & sKeyField
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditDelBegin()",
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditDelBegin
End Function

Function AuditDelEnd(sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable As String, Status As
Integer) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelEnd
'Purpose: If the deletion was completed, copy the data from the
' temp table to the autit table. Empty temp table.
'Arguments: sAudTmpTable = name of temp audit table
' sAudTable = name of audit table
' Status = Status from the form's AfterDelConfirm event.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from form's AfterDelConfirm event. Example:
' Call AuditDelEnd("audTmpInvoice", "audInvoice", Status)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Currrent database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' If the Delete proceeded, copy the record(s) from temp table to delete
' Note: Only "Delete" types are copied: cancelled Edits may be there as
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
If Status = acDeleteOK Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT " & sAudTmpTable & ".*
FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'Delete');"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If

'Remove the temp record(s).
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
AuditDelEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditDelEnd()",
Resume Exit_AuditDelEnd
End Function

Function AuditEditBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sKeyField
As String, _
lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the old values to temp table.
' It is then copied to the true audit table in AuditEditEnd.
'Arugments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's BeforeUpdate event. Example:
' bWasNewRecord = Me.NewRecord
' Call AuditEditBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String

'Remove any cancelled update still in the tmp table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL

' If this was not a new record, save the old values.
If Not bWasNewRecord Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser
) " & _
"SELECT 'EditFrom' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName()
AS Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]." & sKeyField
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditBegin = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditEditBegin()",
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditEditBegin
End Function

Function AuditEditEnd(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable As
String, _
sKeyField As String, lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditEnd
'Purpose: Write the audit trail to the audit table.
'Arguments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sAudTable = name of the audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's AfterUpdate event. Example:
' Call AuditEditEnd("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"audInvoice", "InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim sSQL As String
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)

If bWasNewRecord Then
' Copy the new values as "Insert".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'Insert' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " = "
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
' Copy the latest edit from temp table as "EditFrom".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT TOP 1 " & sAudTmpTable
& ".* FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'EditFrom') ORDER BY " &
sAudTmpTable & ".audDate DESC;"
db.Execute sSQL
' Copy the new values as "EditTo"
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'EditTo' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " = "
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL
' Empty the temp table.
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditEditEnd()", ,
Resume Exit_AuditEditEnd
End Function

Function LogError(ByVal lngErrNumber As Long, ByVal strErrDescription As
String, _
strCallingProc As String, Optional vParameters, Optional bShowUser As
Boolean = True) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_LogError
' Purpose: Generic error handler.
' Logs errors to table "tLogError".
' Arguments: lngErrNumber - value of Err.Number
' strErrDescription - value of Err.Description
' strCallingProc - name of sub|function that generated the error.
' vParameters - optional string: List of parameters to record.
' bShowUser - optional boolean: If False, suppresses display.
' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed)

Dim strMsg As String ' String for display in MsgBox
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset ' The tLogError table

Select Case lngErrNumber
Case 0
Debug.Print strCallingProc & " called error 0."
Case 2501 ' Cancelled
'Do nothing.
Case 3314, 2101, 2115 ' Can't save.
If bShowUser Then
strMsg = "Record cannot be saved at this time." & vbCrLf & _
"Complete the entry, or press <Esc> to undo."
MsgBox strMsg, vbExclamation, strCallingProc
End If
Case Else
If bShowUser Then
strMsg = "Error " & lngErrNumber & ": " & strErrDescription
MsgBox strMsg, vbExclamation, strCallingProc
End If
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tLogError", , dbAppendOnly)
rst![ErrNumber] = lngErrNumber
rst![ErrDescription] = Left$(strErrDescription, 255)
rst![ErrDate] = Now()
rst![CallingProc] = strCallingProc
rst![UserName] = CurrentUser()
rst![ShowUser] = bShowUser
If Not IsMissing(vParameters) Then
rst![Parameters] = Left(vParameters, 255)
End If
LogError = True
End Select

Set rst = Nothing
Exit Function

strMsg = "An unexpected situation arose in your program." & vbCrLf & _
"Please write down the following details:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Calling Proc: " & strCallingProc & vbCrLf & _
"Error Number " & lngErrNumber & vbCrLf & strErrDescription & vbCrLf
& vbCrLf & _
"Unable to record because Error " & Err.Number & vbCrLf &
MsgBox strMsg, vbCritical, "LogError()"
Resume Exit_LogError
End Function

And now here is where I am calling from the form
Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)
Call AuditDelEnd("audTmpProvlimata", "AuditLogProvlimata", Status)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Call AuditEditEnd("ΠÏοβλήματα", "audTmpProvlimata", "AuditLogProvlimata",
"title", Nz(Me.title, 0), bWasNewRecord)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
bWasNewRecord = Me.NewRecord
Call AuditEditBegin("ΠÏοβλήματα", "audTmpProvlimata", "title", Nz(Me.title,
0), bWasNewRecord)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Delete(Cancel As Integer)
Call AuditDelBegin("ΠÏοβλήματα", "audTmpProvlimata", "title", Nz(Me.title, 0))
End Sub

This one give error Type Mismatch and I believe is because title in my table
is text and is not number but I want it to be text in my table so how can I
change it in my function to expect text ?????
In your form code where you are calling the audit functions, which line of
code is highlighted?

(e-mail address removed)

Koulla said:
Ok I am copying here the code of Allen

' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed), 2006.

' Purpose: Audit trail, to track Deletes, Edits, and Inserts.
' Does not audit any Cascading Updates/Deletes.

' Requirements: The table to be audited must have an AutoNumber primary
' Data entry must be through a form.

' Method: Makes a copy of the record in a temp table, and logs the
' change when it is guaranteed. The temp table copes with:
' - multiple deletes at once (continuous/datasheet view)
' - cancelled deletes or failed updates.
' - requirement for sequential numbering in the audit table.
' On a multi-user split (front-end/back-end) database, the
' temp table may reside in the front end, and the audit log
' in the back-end.

' Result: The audit table will contain one record for each deletion or
' insertion, and two records for each edit (before and after).
' Delete Copy of the deleted record, marked "Delete".
' Insert Copy of the new record, marked "Insert".
' Change: Copy of the record before change, marked
' Copy of the record after change, marked "EditTo".
' This approach, together with the sequential numbering of the
' AutoNumber in the audit table makes tampering with the audit
' log more detectable.

'Note: Record confirmations need to be on. When opening the database:
' If Not Application.GetOption("Confirm Record Changes")
' Application.SetOption ("Confirm Record Changes"), True
' End If

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Const conMod As String = "ajbAudit"
Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

Function NetworkUserName() As String
'On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Purpose: Returns the network login name
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strUserName As String

NetworkUserName = "Unknown"

strUserName = String$(254, 0)
lngLen = 255&
lngX = apiGetUserName(strUserName, lngLen)
If (lngX > 0&) Then
NetworkUserName = Left$(strUserName, lngLen - 1&)
End If

Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".NetworkUserName",
, False)
Resume Exit_Handler
End Function

Function AuditDelBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sKeyField
As String, lngKeyValue As Long) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the record to a tmp audit table.
' Copy to be written to real audit table in AfterDelConfirm.
'Arguments: sTable = name of table to be audited.
' sAudTmpTable = the name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of AutoNumber field in table.
' lngKeyValue = number in the AutoNumber field.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from a form's Delete event. Example:
' Call AuditDelBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID)
'Note: Must also call AuditDelEnd in the form's AfterDelConfirm
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' Append record to the temp audit table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser )
& _
"SELECT 'Delete' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]" & "." &
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditDelBegin()",
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditDelBegin
End Function

Function AuditDelEnd(sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable As String, Status
Integer) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelEnd
'Purpose: If the deletion was completed, copy the data from the
' temp table to the autit table. Empty temp table.
'Arguments: sAudTmpTable = name of temp audit table
' sAudTable = name of audit table
' Status = Status from the form's AfterDelConfirm event.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from form's AfterDelConfirm event. Example:
' Call AuditDelEnd("audTmpInvoice", "audInvoice",
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Currrent database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' If the Delete proceeded, copy the record(s) from temp table to delete
' Note: Only "Delete" types are copied: cancelled Edits may be there as
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
If Status = acDeleteOK Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT " & sAudTmpTable & ".*
FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'Delete');"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If

'Remove the temp record(s).
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
AuditDelEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditDelEnd()",
Resume Exit_AuditDelEnd
End Function

Function AuditEditBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String,
As String, _
lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the old values to temp table.
' It is then copied to the true audit table in AuditEditEnd.
'Arugments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's BeforeUpdate event. Example:
' bWasNewRecord = Me.NewRecord
' Call AuditEditBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String

'Remove any cancelled update still in the tmp table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL

' If this was not a new record, save the old values.
If Not bWasNewRecord Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate,
) " & _
"SELECT 'EditFrom' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName()
AS Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]." & sKeyField
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditBegin = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod &
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditEditBegin
End Function

Function AuditEditEnd(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable
String, _
sKeyField As String, lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditEnd
'Purpose: Write the audit trail to the audit table.
'Arguments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sAudTable = name of the audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's AfterUpdate event. Example:
' Call AuditEditEnd("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"audInvoice", "InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim sSQL As String
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)

If bWasNewRecord Then
' Copy the new values as "Insert".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'Insert' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " =
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
' Copy the latest edit from temp table as "EditFrom".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT TOP 1 " & sAudTmpTable
& ".* FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'EditFrom') ORDER BY "
sAudTmpTable & ".audDate DESC;"
db.Execute sSQL
' Copy the new values as "EditTo"
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'EditTo' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " =
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL
' Empty the temp table.
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditEditEnd()",
Resume Exit_AuditEditEnd
End Function

Function LogError(ByVal lngErrNumber As Long, ByVal strErrDescription As
String, _
strCallingProc As String, Optional vParameters, Optional bShowUser As
Boolean = True) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_LogError
' Purpose: Generic error handler.
' Logs errors to table "tLogError".
' Arguments: lngErrNumber - value of Err.Number
' strErrDescription - value of Err.Description
' strCallingProc - name of sub|function that generated the error.
' vParameters - optional string: List of parameters to record.
' bShowUser - optional boolean: If False, suppresses display.
' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed)

Dim strMsg As String ' String for display in MsgBox
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset ' The tLogError table

Select Case lngErrNumber
Case 0
Debug.Print strCallingProc & " called error 0."
Case 2501 ' Cancelled
'Do nothing.
Case 3314, 2101, 2115 ' Can't save.
If bShowUser Then
strMsg = "Record cannot be saved at this time." & vbCrLf & _
"Complete the entry, or press <Esc> to undo."
MsgBox strMsg, vbExclamation, strCallingProc
End If
Case Else
If bShowUser Then
strMsg = "Error " & lngErrNumber & ": " & strErrDescription
MsgBox strMsg, vbExclamation, strCallingProc
End If
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tLogError", , dbAppendOnly)
rst![ErrNumber] = lngErrNumber
rst![ErrDescription] = Left$(strErrDescription, 255)
rst![ErrDate] = Now()
rst![CallingProc] = strCallingProc
rst![UserName] = CurrentUser()
rst![ShowUser] = bShowUser
If Not IsMissing(vParameters) Then
rst![Parameters] = Left(vParameters, 255)
End If
LogError = True
End Select

Set rst = Nothing
Exit Function

strMsg = "An unexpected situation arose in your program." & vbCrLf & _
"Please write down the following details:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Calling Proc: " & strCallingProc & vbCrLf & _
"Error Number " & lngErrNumber & vbCrLf & strErrDescription &
& vbCrLf & _
"Unable to record because Error " & Err.Number & vbCrLf &
MsgBox strMsg, vbCritical, "LogError()"
Resume Exit_LogError
End Function

And now here is where I am calling from the form
Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)
Call AuditDelEnd("audTmpProvlimata", "AuditLogProvlimata", Status)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Call AuditEditEnd("??????????", "audTmpProvlimata", "AuditLogProvlimata",
"title", Nz(Me.title, 0), bWasNewRecord)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
bWasNewRecord = Me.NewRecord
Call AuditEditBegin("??????????", "audTmpProvlimata", "title",
0), bWasNewRecord)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Delete(Cancel As Integer)
Call AuditDelBegin("??????????", "audTmpProvlimata", "title", Nz(Me.title,
End Sub

This one give error Type Mismatch and I believe is because title in my
is text and is not number but I want it to be text in my table so how can
change it in my function to expect text ?????

Steve said:
I'm not Allen either and I don't know how his audit log utility works,
you should be able to resolve the "Too Few Parameters" error with this

Most likely the audit log utility is creating a querydef. Put the
in the appropriate place in the code:

Dim Qdf As QueryDef
Dim Param As Parameter
Set Qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("NameOfTheQuery")
For Each Param in Qdf.Parameters
Param.Value = Eval(Param.Name)
Next Param

(e-mail address removed)

Hans said:
Look at the code for AuditEditEnd, and check what data types it expects
for the parameters you supply.

Here is the function declaration from the code you posted in another
reply. I reformatted it to display each parameter on a separate line.

Function AuditEditEnd( _
sTable As String, _
sAudTmpTable As String, _
sAudTable As String, _
sKeyField As String,
lngKeyValue As Long,
bWasNewRecord As Boolean _
) As Boolean

Notice the third parameter, Status, you're supplying to the function
call. The function expects a string value which it will use as
sAudTable. What is Status? If it is the name of a table, surround the
name with double quotes like you did for the first 2 parameters.

On the other hand, if Status is a variable which contains the name of a
table, check whether it actually does contain the table name. You can
check the value of Status by inserting this line just before you call
the function:

MsgBox "The value of Status is '" & Status & "'"

Once you resolve your current argument type mismatch error, you will
encounter another error which complaints about too few arguments. The
reason is that the function expects to receive 6 parameters, and you are
giving it only 3. Here is Allen's description of the 3 parameters you
left out:

' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.

If the Me.title from the below line...

Call AuditDelBegin("ΠÏοβλήματα", "audTmpProvlimata", "title", Nz(Me.title,
0)) the field on your form then replace that with [title], leave off the

Gina Whipp
2010 Microsoft MVP (Access)

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

Ok I am copying here the code of Allen

' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed), 2006.

' Purpose: Audit trail, to track Deletes, Edits, and Inserts.
' Does not audit any Cascading Updates/Deletes.

' Requirements: The table to be audited must have an AutoNumber primary key.
' Data entry must be through a form.

' Method: Makes a copy of the record in a temp table, and logs the
' change when it is guaranteed. The temp table copes with:
' - multiple deletes at once (continuous/datasheet view)
' - cancelled deletes or failed updates.
' - requirement for sequential numbering in the audit table.
' On a multi-user split (front-end/back-end) database, the
' temp table may reside in the front end, and the audit log
' in the back-end.

' Result: The audit table will contain one record for each deletion or
' insertion, and two records for each edit (before and after).
' Delete Copy of the deleted record, marked "Delete".
' Insert Copy of the new record, marked "Insert".
' Change: Copy of the record before change, marked "EditFrom".
' Copy of the record after change, marked "EditTo".
' This approach, together with the sequential numbering of the
' AutoNumber in the audit table makes tampering with the audit
' log more detectable.

'Note: Record confirmations need to be on. When opening the database:
' If Not Application.GetOption("Confirm Record Changes") Then
' Application.SetOption ("Confirm Record Changes"), True
' End If

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Const conMod As String = "ajbAudit"
Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

Function NetworkUserName() As String
'On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Purpose: Returns the network login name
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strUserName As String

NetworkUserName = "Unknown"

strUserName = String$(254, 0)
lngLen = 255&
lngX = apiGetUserName(strUserName, lngLen)
If (lngX > 0&) Then
NetworkUserName = Left$(strUserName, lngLen - 1&)
End If

Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".NetworkUserName",
, False)
Resume Exit_Handler
End Function

Function AuditDelBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sKeyField
As String, lngKeyValue As Long) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the record to a tmp audit table.
' Copy to be written to real audit table in AfterDelConfirm.
'Arguments: sTable = name of table to be audited.
' sAudTmpTable = the name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of AutoNumber field in table.
' lngKeyValue = number in the AutoNumber field.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from a form's Delete event. Example:
' Call AuditDelBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID)
'Note: Must also call AuditDelEnd in the form's AfterDelConfirm
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' Append record to the temp audit table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser ) "
& _
"SELECT 'Delete' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]" & "." & sKeyField
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditDelBegin()",
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditDelBegin
End Function

Function AuditDelEnd(sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable As String, Status As
Integer) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelEnd
'Purpose: If the deletion was completed, copy the data from the
' temp table to the autit table. Empty temp table.
'Arguments: sAudTmpTable = name of temp audit table
' sAudTable = name of audit table
' Status = Status from the form's AfterDelConfirm event.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from form's AfterDelConfirm event. Example:
' Call AuditDelEnd("audTmpInvoice", "audInvoice", Status)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Currrent database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' If the Delete proceeded, copy the record(s) from temp table to delete
' Note: Only "Delete" types are copied: cancelled Edits may be there as
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
If Status = acDeleteOK Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT " & sAudTmpTable & ".*
FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'Delete');"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If

'Remove the temp record(s).
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
AuditDelEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditDelEnd()",
Resume Exit_AuditDelEnd
End Function

Function AuditEditBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sKeyField
As String, _
lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the old values to temp table.
' It is then copied to the true audit table in AuditEditEnd.
'Arugments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's BeforeUpdate event. Example:
' bWasNewRecord = Me.NewRecord
' Call AuditEditBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String

'Remove any cancelled update still in the tmp table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL

' If this was not a new record, save the old values.
If Not bWasNewRecord Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser
) " & _
"SELECT 'EditFrom' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName()
AS Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]." & sKeyField
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditBegin = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditEditBegin()",
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditEditBegin
End Function

Function AuditEditEnd(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable As
String, _
sKeyField As String, lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditEnd
'Purpose: Write the audit trail to the audit table.
'Arguments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sAudTable = name of the audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's AfterUpdate event. Example:
' Call AuditEditEnd("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"audInvoice", "InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim sSQL As String
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)

If bWasNewRecord Then
' Copy the new values as "Insert".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'Insert' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " = "
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
' Copy the latest edit from temp table as "EditFrom".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT TOP 1 " & sAudTmpTable
& ".* FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'EditFrom') ORDER BY " &
sAudTmpTable & ".audDate DESC;"
db.Execute sSQL
' Copy the new values as "EditTo"
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'EditTo' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " = "
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL
' Empty the temp table.
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditEditEnd()", ,
Resume Exit_AuditEditEnd
End Function

Function LogError(ByVal lngErrNumber As Long, ByVal strErrDescription As
String, _
strCallingProc As String, Optional vParameters, Optional bShowUser As
Boolean = True) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_LogError
' Purpose: Generic error handler.
' Logs errors to table "tLogError".
' Arguments: lngErrNumber - value of Err.Number
' strErrDescription - value of Err.Description
' strCallingProc - name of sub|function that generated the error.
' vParameters - optional string: List of parameters to record.
' bShowUser - optional boolean: If False, suppresses display.
' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed)

Dim strMsg As String ' String for display in MsgBox
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset ' The tLogError table

Select Case lngErrNumber
Case 0
Debug.Print strCallingProc & " called error 0."
Case 2501 ' Cancelled
'Do nothing.
Case 3314, 2101, 2115 ' Can't save.
If bShowUser Then
strMsg = "Record cannot be saved at this time." & vbCrLf & _
"Complete the entry, or press <Esc> to undo."
MsgBox strMsg, vbExclamation, strCallingProc
End If
Case Else
If bShowUser Then
strMsg = "Error " & lngErrNumber & ": " & strErrDescription
MsgBox strMsg, vbExclamation, strCallingProc
End If
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tLogError", , dbAppendOnly)
rst![ErrNumber] = lngErrNumber
rst![ErrDescription] = Left$(strErrDescription, 255)
rst![ErrDate] = Now()
rst![CallingProc] = strCallingProc
rst![UserName] = CurrentUser()
rst![ShowUser] = bShowUser
If Not IsMissing(vParameters) Then
rst![Parameters] = Left(vParameters, 255)
End If
LogError = True
End Select

Set rst = Nothing
Exit Function

strMsg = "An unexpected situation arose in your program." & vbCrLf & _
"Please write down the following details:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Calling Proc: " & strCallingProc & vbCrLf & _
"Error Number " & lngErrNumber & vbCrLf & strErrDescription & vbCrLf
& vbCrLf & _
"Unable to record because Error " & Err.Number & vbCrLf &
MsgBox strMsg, vbCritical, "LogError()"
Resume Exit_LogError
End Function

And now here is where I am calling from the form
Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)
Call AuditDelEnd("audTmpProvlimata", "AuditLogProvlimata", Status)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Call AuditEditEnd("ΠÏοβλήματα", "audTmpProvlimata", "AuditLogProvlimata",
"title", Nz(Me.title, 0), bWasNewRecord)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
bWasNewRecord = Me.NewRecord
Call AuditEditBegin("ΠÏοβλήματα", "audTmpProvlimata", "title", Nz(Me.title,
0), bWasNewRecord)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Delete(Cancel As Integer)
Call AuditDelBegin("ΠÏοβλήματα", "audTmpProvlimata", "title", Nz(Me.title,
End Sub

This one give error Type Mismatch and I believe is because title in my table
is text and is not number but I want it to be text in my table so how can I
change it in my function to expect text ?????
Hey Gina
Yes title is the field on my form I tried what you say unfortunately is not
working !
The error is type mismatch. Because title is text and is a key in my table
and with the code of Allen expects number that's why gives type mismatch. I
am almost sure that this is the reason and I dont know how to fix it !!!

Gina Whipp said:

If the Me.title from the below line...

Call AuditDelBegin("ΠÏοβλήματα", "audTmpProvlimata", "title", Nz(Me.title,
0)) the field on your form then replace that with [title], leave off the

Gina Whipp
2010 Microsoft MVP (Access)

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

Ok I am copying here the code of Allen

' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed), 2006.

' Purpose: Audit trail, to track Deletes, Edits, and Inserts.
' Does not audit any Cascading Updates/Deletes.

' Requirements: The table to be audited must have an AutoNumber primary key.
' Data entry must be through a form.

' Method: Makes a copy of the record in a temp table, and logs the
' change when it is guaranteed. The temp table copes with:
' - multiple deletes at once (continuous/datasheet view)
' - cancelled deletes or failed updates.
' - requirement for sequential numbering in the audit table.
' On a multi-user split (front-end/back-end) database, the
' temp table may reside in the front end, and the audit log
' in the back-end.

' Result: The audit table will contain one record for each deletion or
' insertion, and two records for each edit (before and after).
' Delete Copy of the deleted record, marked "Delete".
' Insert Copy of the new record, marked "Insert".
' Change: Copy of the record before change, marked "EditFrom".
' Copy of the record after change, marked "EditTo".
' This approach, together with the sequential numbering of the
' AutoNumber in the audit table makes tampering with the audit
' log more detectable.

'Note: Record confirmations need to be on. When opening the database:
' If Not Application.GetOption("Confirm Record Changes") Then
' Application.SetOption ("Confirm Record Changes"), True
' End If

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Const conMod As String = "ajbAudit"
Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

Function NetworkUserName() As String
'On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Purpose: Returns the network login name
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strUserName As String

NetworkUserName = "Unknown"

strUserName = String$(254, 0)
lngLen = 255&
lngX = apiGetUserName(strUserName, lngLen)
If (lngX > 0&) Then
NetworkUserName = Left$(strUserName, lngLen - 1&)
End If

Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".NetworkUserName",
, False)
Resume Exit_Handler
End Function

Function AuditDelBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sKeyField
As String, lngKeyValue As Long) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the record to a tmp audit table.
' Copy to be written to real audit table in AfterDelConfirm.
'Arguments: sTable = name of table to be audited.
' sAudTmpTable = the name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of AutoNumber field in table.
' lngKeyValue = number in the AutoNumber field.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from a form's Delete event. Example:
' Call AuditDelBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID)
'Note: Must also call AuditDelEnd in the form's AfterDelConfirm
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' Append record to the temp audit table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser ) "
& _
"SELECT 'Delete' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]" & "." & sKeyField
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditDelBegin()",
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditDelBegin
End Function

Function AuditDelEnd(sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable As String, Status As
Integer) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelEnd
'Purpose: If the deletion was completed, copy the data from the
' temp table to the autit table. Empty temp table.
'Arguments: sAudTmpTable = name of temp audit table
' sAudTable = name of audit table
' Status = Status from the form's AfterDelConfirm event.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from form's AfterDelConfirm event. Example:
' Call AuditDelEnd("audTmpInvoice", "audInvoice", Status)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Currrent database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' If the Delete proceeded, copy the record(s) from temp table to delete
' Note: Only "Delete" types are copied: cancelled Edits may be there as
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
If Status = acDeleteOK Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT " & sAudTmpTable & ".*
FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'Delete');"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If

'Remove the temp record(s).
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
AuditDelEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditDelEnd()",
Resume Exit_AuditDelEnd
End Function

Function AuditEditBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sKeyField
As String, _
lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the old values to temp table.
' It is then copied to the true audit table in AuditEditEnd.
'Arugments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's BeforeUpdate event. Example:
' bWasNewRecord = Me.NewRecord
' Call AuditEditBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String

'Remove any cancelled update still in the tmp table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL

' If this was not a new record, save the old values.
If Not bWasNewRecord Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser
) " & _
"SELECT 'EditFrom' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName()
AS Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]." & sKeyField
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditBegin = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditEditBegin()",
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditEditBegin
End Function

Function AuditEditEnd(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable As
String, _
sKeyField As String, lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditEnd
'Purpose: Write the audit trail to the audit table.
'Arguments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sAudTable = name of the audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's AfterUpdate event. Example:
' Call AuditEditEnd("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"audInvoice", "InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim sSQL As String
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)

If bWasNewRecord Then
' Copy the new values as "Insert".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'Insert' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " = "
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
' Copy the latest edit from temp table as "EditFrom".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT TOP 1 " & sAudTmpTable
& ".* FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'EditFrom') ORDER BY " &
sAudTmpTable & ".audDate DESC;"
db.Execute sSQL
' Copy the new values as "EditTo"
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'EditTo' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " = "
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL
' Empty the temp table.
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditEditEnd()", ,
Resume Exit_AuditEditEnd
End Function

Function LogError(ByVal lngErrNumber As Long, ByVal strErrDescription As
String, _
strCallingProc As String, Optional vParameters, Optional bShowUser As
Boolean = True) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_LogError
' Purpose: Generic error handler.
' Logs errors to table "tLogError".
' Arguments: lngErrNumber - value of Err.Number
' strErrDescription - value of Err.Description
' strCallingProc - name of sub|function that generated the error.
' vParameters - optional string: List of parameters to record.
' bShowUser - optional boolean: If False, suppresses display.
' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed)

Dim strMsg As String ' String for display in MsgBox
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset ' The tLogError table

Select Case lngErrNumber
Case 0
Debug.Print strCallingProc & " called error 0."
Case 2501 ' Cancelled
'Do nothing.
Hey Steve
The lind that highlighted is
Call AuditEditBegin("Provlimata", "audTmpProvlimata", "[title]",
Nz(Me.[title], 0), bWasNewRecord)

When I am doing the debugging I see that from the above line Me.[title]
takes the correct value !!!!
I believe that the error type mismatch is because [title] in my table
"Provlimata" is text and is a primary key. But in the AuditEditBegin function
of Allen expects number. But I dont know how to fix it. Please help me I
stack there

Steve said:
In your form code where you are calling the audit functions, which line of
code is highlighted?

(e-mail address removed)

Koulla said:
Ok I am copying here the code of Allen

' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed), 2006.

' Purpose: Audit trail, to track Deletes, Edits, and Inserts.
' Does not audit any Cascading Updates/Deletes.

' Requirements: The table to be audited must have an AutoNumber primary
' Data entry must be through a form.

' Method: Makes a copy of the record in a temp table, and logs the
' change when it is guaranteed. The temp table copes with:
' - multiple deletes at once (continuous/datasheet view)
' - cancelled deletes or failed updates.
' - requirement for sequential numbering in the audit table.
' On a multi-user split (front-end/back-end) database, the
' temp table may reside in the front end, and the audit log
' in the back-end.

' Result: The audit table will contain one record for each deletion or
' insertion, and two records for each edit (before and after).
' Delete Copy of the deleted record, marked "Delete".
' Insert Copy of the new record, marked "Insert".
' Change: Copy of the record before change, marked
' Copy of the record after change, marked "EditTo".
' This approach, together with the sequential numbering of the
' AutoNumber in the audit table makes tampering with the audit
' log more detectable.

'Note: Record confirmations need to be on. When opening the database:
' If Not Application.GetOption("Confirm Record Changes")
' Application.SetOption ("Confirm Record Changes"), True
' End If

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Const conMod As String = "ajbAudit"
Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

Function NetworkUserName() As String
'On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Purpose: Returns the network login name
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strUserName As String

NetworkUserName = "Unknown"

strUserName = String$(254, 0)
lngLen = 255&
lngX = apiGetUserName(strUserName, lngLen)
If (lngX > 0&) Then
NetworkUserName = Left$(strUserName, lngLen - 1&)
End If

Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".NetworkUserName",
, False)
Resume Exit_Handler
End Function

Function AuditDelBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sKeyField
As String, lngKeyValue As Long) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the record to a tmp audit table.
' Copy to be written to real audit table in AfterDelConfirm.
'Arguments: sTable = name of table to be audited.
' sAudTmpTable = the name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of AutoNumber field in table.
' lngKeyValue = number in the AutoNumber field.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from a form's Delete event. Example:
' Call AuditDelBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID)
'Note: Must also call AuditDelEnd in the form's AfterDelConfirm
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' Append record to the temp audit table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser )
& _
"SELECT 'Delete' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]" & "." &
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditDelBegin()",
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditDelBegin
End Function

Function AuditDelEnd(sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable As String, Status
Integer) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelEnd
'Purpose: If the deletion was completed, copy the data from the
' temp table to the autit table. Empty temp table.
'Arguments: sAudTmpTable = name of temp audit table
' sAudTable = name of audit table
' Status = Status from the form's AfterDelConfirm event.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from form's AfterDelConfirm event. Example:
' Call AuditDelEnd("audTmpInvoice", "audInvoice",
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Currrent database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' If the Delete proceeded, copy the record(s) from temp table to delete
' Note: Only "Delete" types are copied: cancelled Edits may be there as
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
If Status = acDeleteOK Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT " & sAudTmpTable & ".*
FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'Delete');"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If

'Remove the temp record(s).
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
AuditDelEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditDelEnd()",
Resume Exit_AuditDelEnd
End Function

Function AuditEditBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String,
As String, _
lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the old values to temp table.
' It is then copied to the true audit table in AuditEditEnd.
'Arugments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's BeforeUpdate event. Example:
' bWasNewRecord = Me.NewRecord
' Call AuditEditBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String

'Remove any cancelled update still in the tmp table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL

' If this was not a new record, save the old values.
If Not bWasNewRecord Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate,
) " & _
"SELECT 'EditFrom' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName()
AS Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]." & sKeyField
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditBegin = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod &
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditEditBegin
End Function

Function AuditEditEnd(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable
String, _
sKeyField As String, lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditEnd
'Purpose: Write the audit trail to the audit table.
'Arguments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sAudTable = name of the audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's AfterUpdate event. Example:
' Call AuditEditEnd("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"audInvoice", "InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim sSQL As String
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)

If bWasNewRecord Then
' Copy the new values as "Insert".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'Insert' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " =
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
' Copy the latest edit from temp table as "EditFrom".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT TOP 1 " & sAudTmpTable
& ".* FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'EditFrom') ORDER BY "
sAudTmpTable & ".audDate DESC;"
db.Execute sSQL
' Copy the new values as "EditTo"
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'EditTo' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " =
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL
' Empty the temp table.
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditEditEnd()",
Resume Exit_AuditEditEnd
End Function

Function LogError(ByVal lngErrNumber As Long, ByVal strErrDescription As
String, _
strCallingProc As String, Optional vParameters, Optional bShowUser As
Boolean = True) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_LogError
' Purpose: Generic error handler.
' Logs errors to table "tLogError".
' Arguments: lngErrNumber - value of Err.Number
' strErrDescription - value of Err.Description
' strCallingProc - name of sub|function that generated the error.
' vParameters - optional string: List of parameters to record.
' bShowUser - optional boolean: If False, suppresses display.
' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed)

Dim strMsg As String ' String for display in MsgBox
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset ' The tLogError table

Select Case lngErrNumber
Case 0
Here is Allen's function ..........

Function AuditEditBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sKeyField
As String, _
lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As Boolean

Here is your call to the function .......

Call AuditEditBegin("??????????", "audTmpProvlimata", "title", Nz(Me.title,
0), bWasNewRecord)

The third argument in Allen's function is sKeyField and is specified as
String (text). The third argument in your call is "title" and you say it is
text so that matches the required data type in Allen's function. "Title"
appears not to be you problem.

My bet is that your problem is the fourth argument: Nz(Me.title, 0).
Allen's fourth argument is lngKeyValue and is required to be long integer.
"Title" is text and therefore when "Title" is not null, your fourth argument
has the value of "Title" which is the wrong data type.

I'm not going to study Allen's code to see how it all works but you could
fix your problem by changing lngKeyValue As Long to lngKeyValue As String.
Also change your argument to Nz(Me.title, ""). You would need to study
Allen's code to determine the impact of these changes.


Koulla said:
Hey Steve
The lind that highlighted is
Call AuditEditBegin("Provlimata", "audTmpProvlimata", "[title]",
Nz(Me.[title], 0), bWasNewRecord)

When I am doing the debugging I see that from the above line Me.[title]
takes the correct value !!!!
I believe that the error type mismatch is because [title] in my table
"Provlimata" is text and is a primary key. But in the AuditEditBegin
of Allen expects number. But I dont know how to fix it. Please help me I
stack there

Steve said:
In your form code where you are calling the audit functions, which line
code is highlighted?

(e-mail address removed)

Koulla said:
Ok I am copying here the code of Allen

' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed), 2006.

' Purpose: Audit trail, to track Deletes, Edits, and Inserts.
' Does not audit any Cascading Updates/Deletes.

' Requirements: The table to be audited must have an AutoNumber primary
' Data entry must be through a form.

' Method: Makes a copy of the record in a temp table, and logs the
' change when it is guaranteed. The temp table copes with:
' - multiple deletes at once (continuous/datasheet view)
' - cancelled deletes or failed updates.
' - requirement for sequential numbering in the audit
' On a multi-user split (front-end/back-end) database, the
' temp table may reside in the front end, and the audit log
' in the back-end.

' Result: The audit table will contain one record for each deletion
' insertion, and two records for each edit (before and
' Delete Copy of the deleted record, marked "Delete".
' Insert Copy of the new record, marked "Insert".
' Change: Copy of the record before change, marked
' Copy of the record after change, marked "EditTo".
' This approach, together with the sequential numbering of
' AutoNumber in the audit table makes tampering with the
' log more detectable.

'Note: Record confirmations need to be on. When opening the
' If Not Application.GetOption("Confirm Record Changes")
' Application.SetOption ("Confirm Record Changes"),
' End If

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Const conMod As String = "ajbAudit"
Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

Function NetworkUserName() As String
'On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Purpose: Returns the network login name
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strUserName As String

NetworkUserName = "Unknown"

strUserName = String$(254, 0)
lngLen = 255&
lngX = apiGetUserName(strUserName, lngLen)
If (lngX > 0&) Then
NetworkUserName = Left$(strUserName, lngLen - 1&)
End If

Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod &
, False)
Resume Exit_Handler
End Function

Function AuditDelBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String,
As String, lngKeyValue As Long) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the record to a tmp audit table.
' Copy to be written to real audit table in
'Arguments: sTable = name of table to be audited.
' sAudTmpTable = the name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of AutoNumber field in table.
' lngKeyValue = number in the AutoNumber field.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from a form's Delete event. Example:
' Call AuditDelBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID)
'Note: Must also call AuditDelEnd in the form's
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' Append record to the temp audit table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate,
audUser )
& _
"SELECT 'Delete' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]" & "." &
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod &
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditDelBegin
End Function

Function AuditDelEnd(sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable As String,
Integer) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelEnd
'Purpose: If the deletion was completed, copy the data from the
' temp table to the autit table. Empty temp table.
'Arguments: sAudTmpTable = name of temp audit table
' sAudTable = name of audit table
' Status = Status from the form's AfterDelConfirm event.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from form's AfterDelConfirm event. Example:
' Call AuditDelEnd("audTmpInvoice", "audInvoice",
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Currrent database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' If the Delete proceeded, copy the record(s) from temp table to
' Note: Only "Delete" types are copied: cancelled Edits may be there
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
If Status = acDeleteOK Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT " & sAudTmpTable &
FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'Delete');"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If

'Remove the temp record(s).
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
AuditDelEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod &
Resume Exit_AuditDelEnd
End Function

Function AuditEditBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String,
As String, _
lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the old values to temp table.
' It is then copied to the true audit table in
'Arugments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's BeforeUpdate event. Example:
' bWasNewRecord = Me.NewRecord
' Call AuditEditBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String

'Remove any cancelled update still in the tmp table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL

' If this was not a new record, save the old values.
If Not bWasNewRecord Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate,
) " & _
"SELECT 'EditFrom' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2,
AS Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]." &
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditBegin = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod &
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditEditBegin
End Function

Function AuditEditEnd(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String,
String, _
sKeyField As String, lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean)
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditEnd
'Purpose: Write the audit trail to the audit table.
'Arguments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sAudTable = name of the audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's AfterUpdate event. Example:
' Call AuditEditEnd("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"audInvoice", "InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim sSQL As String
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)

If bWasNewRecord Then
' Copy the new values as "Insert".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate,
audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'Insert' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName()
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & "
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
' Copy the latest edit from temp table as "EditFrom".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT TOP 1 " &
& ".* FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'EditFrom') ORDER BY
sAudTmpTable & ".audDate DESC;"
db.Execute sSQL
' Copy the new values as "EditTo"
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate,
audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'EditTo' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName()
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & "
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL
' Empty the temp table.
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod &
Resume Exit_AuditEditEnd
End Function

Function LogError(ByVal lngErrNumber As Long, ByVal strErrDescription
String, _
strCallingProc As String, Optional vParameters, Optional bShowUser
Boolean = True) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_LogError
' Purpose: Generic error handler.
' Logs errors to table "tLogError".
' Arguments: lngErrNumber - value of Err.Number
' strErrDescription - value of Err.Description
' strCallingProc - name of sub|function that generated the error.
' vParameters - optional string: List of parameters to record.
' bShowUser - optional boolean: If False, suppresses display.
' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed)

Dim strMsg As String ' String for display in MsgBox
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset ' The tLogError table

Select Case lngErrNumber
Case 0
Hey Steve

I am very happy because you are right I made the changes you suggest and it
works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU so much !!!!!


Steve said:
Here is Allen's function ..........

Function AuditEditBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sKeyField
As String, _
lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As Boolean

Here is your call to the function .......

Call AuditEditBegin("??????????", "audTmpProvlimata", "title", Nz(Me.title,
0), bWasNewRecord)

The third argument in Allen's function is sKeyField and is specified as
String (text). The third argument in your call is "title" and you say it is
text so that matches the required data type in Allen's function. "Title"
appears not to be you problem.

My bet is that your problem is the fourth argument: Nz(Me.title, 0).
Allen's fourth argument is lngKeyValue and is required to be long integer.
"Title" is text and therefore when "Title" is not null, your fourth argument
has the value of "Title" which is the wrong data type.

I'm not going to study Allen's code to see how it all works but you could
fix your problem by changing lngKeyValue As Long to lngKeyValue As String.
Also change your argument to Nz(Me.title, ""). You would need to study
Allen's code to determine the impact of these changes.


Koulla said:
Hey Steve
The lind that highlighted is
Call AuditEditBegin("Provlimata", "audTmpProvlimata", "[title]",
Nz(Me.[title], 0), bWasNewRecord)

When I am doing the debugging I see that from the above line Me.[title]
takes the correct value !!!!
I believe that the error type mismatch is because [title] in my table
"Provlimata" is text and is a primary key. But in the AuditEditBegin
of Allen expects number. But I dont know how to fix it. Please help me I
stack there

Steve said:
In your form code where you are calling the audit functions, which line
code is highlighted?

(e-mail address removed)

Ok I am copying here the code of Allen

' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed), 2006.

' Purpose: Audit trail, to track Deletes, Edits, and Inserts.
' Does not audit any Cascading Updates/Deletes.

' Requirements: The table to be audited must have an AutoNumber primary
' Data entry must be through a form.

' Method: Makes a copy of the record in a temp table, and logs the
' change when it is guaranteed. The temp table copes with:
' - multiple deletes at once (continuous/datasheet view)
' - cancelled deletes or failed updates.
' - requirement for sequential numbering in the audit
' On a multi-user split (front-end/back-end) database, the
' temp table may reside in the front end, and the audit log
' in the back-end.

' Result: The audit table will contain one record for each deletion
' insertion, and two records for each edit (before and
' Delete Copy of the deleted record, marked "Delete".
' Insert Copy of the new record, marked "Insert".
' Change: Copy of the record before change, marked
' Copy of the record after change, marked "EditTo".
' This approach, together with the sequential numbering of
' AutoNumber in the audit table makes tampering with the
' log more detectable.

'Note: Record confirmations need to be on. When opening the
' If Not Application.GetOption("Confirm Record Changes")
' Application.SetOption ("Confirm Record Changes"),
' End If

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Const conMod As String = "ajbAudit"
Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

Function NetworkUserName() As String
'On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Purpose: Returns the network login name
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strUserName As String

NetworkUserName = "Unknown"

strUserName = String$(254, 0)
lngLen = 255&
lngX = apiGetUserName(strUserName, lngLen)
If (lngX > 0&) Then
NetworkUserName = Left$(strUserName, lngLen - 1&)
End If

Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod &
, False)
Resume Exit_Handler
End Function

Function AuditDelBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String,
As String, lngKeyValue As Long) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the record to a tmp audit table.
' Copy to be written to real audit table in
'Arguments: sTable = name of table to be audited.
' sAudTmpTable = the name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of AutoNumber field in table.
' lngKeyValue = number in the AutoNumber field.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from a form's Delete event. Example:
' Call AuditDelBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID)
'Note: Must also call AuditDelEnd in the form's
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' Append record to the temp audit table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate,
audUser )
& _
"SELECT 'Delete' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]" & "." &
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod &
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditDelBegin
End Function

Function AuditDelEnd(sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable As String,
Integer) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelEnd
'Purpose: If the deletion was completed, copy the data from the
' temp table to the autit table. Empty temp table.
'Arguments: sAudTmpTable = name of temp audit table
' sAudTable = name of audit table
' Status = Status from the form's AfterDelConfirm event.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from form's AfterDelConfirm event. Example:
' Call AuditDelEnd("audTmpInvoice", "audInvoice",
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Currrent database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' If the Delete proceeded, copy the record(s) from temp table to
' Note: Only "Delete" types are copied: cancelled Edits may be there
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
If Status = acDeleteOK Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT " & sAudTmpTable &
FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'Delete');"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If

'Remove the temp record(s).
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
AuditDelEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod &
Resume Exit_AuditDelEnd
End Function

Function AuditEditBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String,
As String, _
lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the old values to temp table.
' It is then copied to the true audit table in
'Arugments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's BeforeUpdate event. Example:
' bWasNewRecord = Me.NewRecord
' Call AuditEditBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String

'Remove any cancelled update still in the tmp table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL

' If this was not a new record, save the old values.
If Not bWasNewRecord Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate,
) " & _
"SELECT 'EditFrom' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2,
AS Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]." &
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditBegin = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod &
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditEditBegin
End Function

Function AuditEditEnd(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String,
String, _
sKeyField As String, lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean)
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditEnd
'Purpose: Write the audit trail to the audit table.
'Arguments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sAudTable = name of the audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's AfterUpdate event. Example:

I saw your answer but I see you got some help... Glad it got it resolved.

Gina Whipp
2010 Microsoft MVP (Access)

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

Hey Gina
Yes title is the field on my form I tried what you say unfortunately is not
working !
The error is type mismatch. Because title is text and is a key in my table
and with the code of Allen expects number that's why gives type mismatch. I
am almost sure that this is the reason and I dont know how to fix it !!!

Gina Whipp said:

If the Me.title from the below line...

Call AuditDelBegin("ΠÏοβλήματα", "audTmpProvlimata", "title", Nz(Me.title,
0)) the field on your form then replace that with [title], leave off the

Gina Whipp
2010 Microsoft MVP (Access)

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

Ok I am copying here the code of Allen

' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed), 2006.

' Purpose: Audit trail, to track Deletes, Edits, and Inserts.
' Does not audit any Cascading Updates/Deletes.

' Requirements: The table to be audited must have an AutoNumber primary
' Data entry must be through a form.

' Method: Makes a copy of the record in a temp table, and logs the
' change when it is guaranteed. The temp table copes with:
' - multiple deletes at once (continuous/datasheet view)
' - cancelled deletes or failed updates.
' - requirement for sequential numbering in the audit table.
' On a multi-user split (front-end/back-end) database, the
' temp table may reside in the front end, and the audit log
' in the back-end.

' Result: The audit table will contain one record for each deletion or
' insertion, and two records for each edit (before and after).
' Delete Copy of the deleted record, marked "Delete".
' Insert Copy of the new record, marked "Insert".
' Change: Copy of the record before change, marked
' Copy of the record after change, marked "EditTo".
' This approach, together with the sequential numbering of the
' AutoNumber in the audit table makes tampering with the audit
' log more detectable.

'Note: Record confirmations need to be on. When opening the database:
' If Not Application.GetOption("Confirm Record Changes")
' Application.SetOption ("Confirm Record Changes"), True
' End If

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Const conMod As String = "ajbAudit"
Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

Function NetworkUserName() As String
'On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Purpose: Returns the network login name
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strUserName As String

NetworkUserName = "Unknown"

strUserName = String$(254, 0)
lngLen = 255&
lngX = apiGetUserName(strUserName, lngLen)
If (lngX > 0&) Then
NetworkUserName = Left$(strUserName, lngLen - 1&)
End If

Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod &
, False)
Resume Exit_Handler
End Function

Function AuditDelBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sKeyField
As String, lngKeyValue As Long) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the record to a tmp audit table.
' Copy to be written to real audit table in
'Arguments: sTable = name of table to be audited.
' sAudTmpTable = the name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of AutoNumber field in table.
' lngKeyValue = number in the AutoNumber field.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from a form's Delete event. Example:
' Call AuditDelBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID)
'Note: Must also call AuditDelEnd in the form's AfterDelConfirm
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' Append record to the temp audit table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser )
& _
"SELECT 'Delete' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]" & "." &
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod &
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditDelBegin
End Function

Function AuditDelEnd(sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable As String, Status
Integer) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditDelEnd
'Purpose: If the deletion was completed, copy the data from the
' temp table to the autit table. Empty temp table.
'Arguments: sAudTmpTable = name of temp audit table
' sAudTable = name of audit table
' Status = Status from the form's AfterDelConfirm event.
'Return: True if successful.
'Usage: Call from form's AfterDelConfirm event. Example:
' Call AuditDelEnd("audTmpInvoice", "audInvoice",
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Currrent database
Dim sSQL As String ' Append query.

' If the Delete proceeded, copy the record(s) from temp table to
' Note: Only "Delete" types are copied: cancelled Edits may be there
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
If Status = acDeleteOK Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT " & sAudTmpTable &
FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'Delete');"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If

'Remove the temp record(s).
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
AuditDelEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditDelEnd()",
Resume Exit_AuditDelEnd
End Function

Function AuditEditBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String,
As String, _
lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the old values to temp table.
' It is then copied to the true audit table in
'Arugments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's BeforeUpdate event. Example:
' bWasNewRecord = Me.NewRecord
' Call AuditEditBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String

'Remove any cancelled update still in the tmp table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL

' If this was not a new record, save the old values.
If Not bWasNewRecord Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate,
) " & _
"SELECT 'EditFrom' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName()
AS Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & "[" & sTable & "]." &
& " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditBegin = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod &
, False)
Resume Exit_AuditEditBegin
End Function

Function AuditEditEnd(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sAudTable
String, _
sKeyField As String, lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditEnd
'Purpose: Write the audit trail to the audit table.
'Arguments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sAudTable = name of the audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's AfterUpdate event. Example:
' Call AuditEditEnd("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice",
"audInvoice", "InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim sSQL As String
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)

If bWasNewRecord Then
' Copy the new values as "Insert".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate,
audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'Insert' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName()
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " =
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
' Copy the latest edit from temp table as "EditFrom".
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT TOP 1 " &
& ".* FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE (" & sAudTmpTable & ".audType = 'EditFrom') ORDER BY "
sAudTmpTable & ".audDate DESC;"
db.Execute sSQL
' Copy the new values as "EditTo"
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " ( audType, audDate,
audUser )
" & _
"SELECT 'EditTo' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName()
Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " =
& lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL
' Empty the temp table.
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditEnd = True

Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".AuditEditEnd()",
Resume Exit_AuditEditEnd
End Function

Function LogError(ByVal lngErrNumber As Long, ByVal strErrDescription As
String, _
strCallingProc As String, Optional vParameters, Optional bShowUser As
Boolean = True) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_LogError
' Purpose: Generic error handler.
' Logs errors to table "tLogError".
' Arguments: lngErrNumber - value of Err.Number
' strErrDescription - value of Err.Description
' strCallingProc - name of sub|function that generated the error.
' vParameters - optional string: List of parameters to record.
' bShowUser - optional boolean: If False, suppresses display.
' Author: Allen Browne, (e-mail address removed)

Dim strMsg As String ' String for display in MsgBox
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset ' The tLogError table

Select Case lngErrNumber
Case 0
Debug.Print strCallingProc & " called error 0."
Case 2501 ' Cancelled
'Do nothing.