All Video is Zoomed and croped

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I have 2 identical PCs with XP Pro SP2. All updates and Media Player 10. They
have Office 2003. They are PIII 900Mhz Dell Optiplex 150s. They have 256 Mb
ram. They have identical (From Ghost Image) basic installs nothing extra
except that mentioned above. On one all video plays normally. On the other
all video looks like someone zoomed in on it causing the picture to distort
and all 4 edges to be cropped. I have tried different drivers. Both units
have an old 16 mb Nvidia card. The Zoom is not on, but if I zoom it to 200% I
get the same zoomed/cropped picture just zoomed an additional 200%. Reducing
it to 50% just reduces the zoomed/cropped picture. putting it in full screen
mode just shows me a full screen "zoomed/cropped" picture.

Does anyone have any Ideas as to what is going on?

Thanks for your help.

Ralph Malph
I have a similar issue. 2 virtually identical PCs. When I try to run a WMV
file on one, it plays at warp speed, and using the play speed control only
slows it to half-warp speed. On the other machine, it just plays perfectly.

Sorry - I know this doesn't help Ralph, but I thought I'd piggy back on your

What's up with this????