All text displayed is in ITALIC



I was wondering if anyone has ever came across this
problem. All the text on my computer, in word, excel,
internet explorer, desktop, any and everywhere is in
italic. The only way I have found to change the text
back to normal is if I make it bold in Word/Excel, but of
course the text is in BOLD only now. BUT if I leave it
in italic (which I have not selected and should not be)
and if I print it out to my printer, it looks
normal...NOT Italic. Kind of screwy.
Thanks for you help.


Chris said:
I was wondering if anyone has ever came across this
problem. All the text on my computer, in word, excel,
internet explorer, desktop, any and everywhere is in
italic. The only way I have found to change the text
back to normal is if I make it bold in Word/Excel, but of
course the text is in BOLD only now. BUT if I leave it
in italic (which I have not selected and should not be)
and if I print it out to my printer, it looks
normal...NOT Italic. Kind of screwy.
Thanks for you help.

Some of your fonts may have been replaced by a program you installed and
the original version of the font file is now a shortcut in the font
folder. Once this program is uninstalled, the shortcut may now point
to a font file that no longer exists. Windows XP in turn reacts by
turning all unspecified fonts into italics upon next reboot.The simple
way to fix this is to delete all shortcuts in the font folder and
replace them with the actual font file. By going to
you can also double check the path of each font and look for any
suspicious paths.



Chris said:
I was wondering if anyone has ever come across this
problem. All the text on my computer, in word, excel,
internet explorer, desktop, any and everywhere is in
italic. The only way I have found to change the text
back to normal is if I make it bold in Word/Excel, but of
course the text is in BOLD only now. BUT if I leave it
in italic (which I have not selected and should not be)
and if I print it out to my printer, it looks
normal...NOT Italic. Kind of screwy.

Checked all the font settings in Control Panel|DISPLAY|APPEARANCE|ADVANCED?
Have a look.

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