My monitor is set at 1152 X 720 pixels. The default is 1440 x
900, but that makes everything so super tiny that I can't see
text too well. Text size is set at default or standard. The
Windows dialog boxes are all cut off so that at least one third
of them cannot be seen. From using old Windows OS systems in the
past, I can guess at what is unseen and just use the tab key to
select "Ok, Cancel, and Apply".
But some boxes, for example, the "Sound Theme" dialog box has a
whole section below of selecting sounds for events and I cannot
see any of it.
Here's the clincher. Just to adjust my sound theme, I set my
monitor to the microscopic 1440 x 900 setting and still cannot
see the dialog boxes. The text size set on default.
What settings are these boxes viewable?
I should point out that my Sister and a couple of friends have
the exact same problem.
Any help on this would be appreciated.
Thank you.
900, but that makes everything so super tiny that I can't see
text too well. Text size is set at default or standard. The
Windows dialog boxes are all cut off so that at least one third
of them cannot be seen. From using old Windows OS systems in the
past, I can guess at what is unseen and just use the tab key to
select "Ok, Cancel, and Apply".
But some boxes, for example, the "Sound Theme" dialog box has a
whole section below of selecting sounds for events and I cannot
see any of it.
Here's the clincher. Just to adjust my sound theme, I set my
monitor to the microscopic 1440 x 900 setting and still cannot
see the dialog boxes. The text size set on default.
What settings are these boxes viewable?
I should point out that my Sister and a couple of friends have
the exact same problem.
Any help on this would be appreciated.
Thank you.