All pop up windows are empty




From my IE 6.0 I cannot view any popup windows. I dont have
any pop window software installed on my system and I have
the smae problem with 6.0 and 6.0 with latest SP1. This
occurs with any new window opened, that new window is
always empty.

Any suggestions? All help is greatly appreciated.

John Stewart

I have been trying to solve this for about 2 weeks and
tried all the patches and fixes I could find. This is
what worked for me.

Go to Start | Run, and type SFC.
Choose 'Extract One File From Installation Disk'.
Type oleaut32.dll, not worrying about its location. Then,
click Start.

Next to 'Restore From', type in or browse for the file's
location, which is
probably in the Win98 folder of your installation CD-ROM
D:\Win98), or in your Windows\Options\Cabs folder, as the
case may be.

Then, next to 'Save File In', enter C:\Windows\System, and
click OK. System
File Checker looks for the file, saves it as you
requested, and then tells
you that 'the file has been successfully extracted'.

You may need to reboot.

Mike Burgess

Follow the "Resolution" steps in the below article:
You Cannot Open New Internet Explorer Window or Nothing Happens After You
Click a Link
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 11-19-03]
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