Those all-night gaming sessions, especially on a weeknight, can be a killer.

Years ago back when the 386 was considered a decent processor, I
introduced a relative of mine to Empire. I let him play it, and after about
half an hour, I could just tell that he would be playing all night if I let
him. I had class early the next morning and test to boot, so I had to end
his session. He went out and bought the game that night and said he was
playing it until 5AM...he had lost all track of time! He had to be up for
work at 7AM and he said he was so tired that he almost fell down a manhole
(he was a city employee). A few months ago, the same guy introduced one of
his friends to Command & Conquer Generals, and the same thing
happened...another 5AM gaming session on a weeknight! I myself had such an
experience when I bought a sound card for the very first time in the early
1990s and tried Wolfenstein 3D on it for the first time. Lucky for me
though, it was a Friday night.
My all-time favorite story though (which may have been posted in one of the
newsgroups at some point in the past) was a story of when one Dad intended
to play Diablo for a short while one night before going to bed. He too lost
all sense of time. After a while, his son got up and was all dressed, much
to the shock of the Dad. The Dad asked, "what are you doing up?" The son
replied something to the effect of, "I'm getting ready for school!" It was
only then that the Dad realized he'd been playing Diablo all night and that
it was at least 7AM.