All links open a IE window with just the very top of the IE screen




I am having a strange problem with IE 6 SP1. When I click
any links that bring up a new browser window the window
looks as if it has been resized to only show the address
location and up part of the browser window. There is no
visable web site part of the screen. If I try to resize by
clicking and draging the window edge it acts like it is
going to do it by putting a line where I dragged it but
then when I release the mouse button it stays in the same
strange size. If I clcik the maximize buttton it will
maximize and then I click on file,close so that it would
retain the window size but when I click on another link it
opens with the strange window size again? I have ran
Adaware and found a lot of spyware that I removed but it
did not help. I also upgraded IE 5.5 to 6 SP1 and it did
not change anything. I think it is a screwed up registry
setting but I cannot find the problem. Any help you can
give would be greatly appreciated.


P.S. This is happening on all links on all websites that
open a new browser window!


Hi Rob,

Just wondering if you found a solution to your problem. I am currently experiencing something similar, except that I cannot drag the window edge at all. My secondary IE windows open up as just a small portion of the title bar, and in some cases cannot be maximized. The original IE window, however, opens just fine...

Any ideas??


Don Varnau

Open one of those second windows, close the first window then try:

Right click the taskbar and choose "tile vertically" (horizontally should
also work.) Then close that window.

Or (a registry edit)
Q194759 - New Internet Explorer Window Opens Partially Off the Screen:

Other possible fixes at >>> Opening
Internet Explorer Full Size
and >>> Tip #6

Hope this helps,
Please reply to the newsgroup so that others may participate.

IBMark74 said:
Hi Rob,

Just wondering if you found a solution to your problem. I am currently
experiencing something similar, except that I cannot drag the window edge at
all. My secondary IE windows open up as just a small portion of the title
bar, and in some cases cannot be maximized. The original IE window, however,
opens just fine...

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