Curious to know if there is any chance of getting my all in wonder
9600 to work in some distro of linux? I have my vavorite distros, but
would consider most any of them, if I can take my AIW card with me.
I see some web pages that imply it can be done, but am wondering if
its just a half assed implementation, or something that is truly
usable. I really don't need more than the TV and recording feature
set, but am not a linux expert, so if its been done, or if its been
declared dead <g> I am interested to hear about it.
Thanks for any input or experiences.
9600 to work in some distro of linux? I have my vavorite distros, but
would consider most any of them, if I can take my AIW card with me.
I see some web pages that imply it can be done, but am wondering if
its just a half assed implementation, or something that is truly
usable. I really don't need more than the TV and recording feature
set, but am not a linux expert, so if its been done, or if its been
declared dead <g> I am interested to hear about it.
Thanks for any input or experiences.