I bought a LexMark X2350 All-In-One yesterday. The printer works great, It
copies great, But it will not scan. My computer doesn't comunicate with
it. Aparantly being that it is hooked up through a USB port, there is no
option for that in the wizard set up, my computer cant see it. But during
the alignment set up of the printer, it told me to scan the paper that it
printed and it seemed to do it. Although, I don't think it actually sent the
info to the PC. I'm sure what to do..... Is there a way to add a USB port
into the scanner set up? I haven't found it.
copies great, But it will not scan. My computer doesn't comunicate with
it. Aparantly being that it is hooked up through a USB port, there is no
option for that in the wizard set up, my computer cant see it. But during
the alignment set up of the printer, it told me to scan the paper that it
printed and it seemed to do it. Although, I don't think it actually sent the
info to the PC. I'm sure what to do..... Is there a way to add a USB port
into the scanner set up? I haven't found it.