All-in-one Critical Update?



I'm setting up a machine for a customer on Monday. It will come with a
brand-new OEM version of Win XP. Their Internet connection is only a 56K

Due to circumstances, I cannot do my usual practice of hooking the machine
up to my 1.3Mb DSL network to apply all the Critical Updates and latest
Service Pack before connecting it up to their network.

Service Packs do not contain all the Critical Updates.

Is there an "all-in-one" Critical Update download I can do to obtain all
the necessary patches to put on one CD to save myself some time? Or do I
need to download and each and every Critical Update one-by one and install
each one in turn?

Chris Lanier



being of unsound mind said:
This is still in testing, but it's a great project. It's called
AutoPatcherXP. This includes ALL critical and recommend updates. In
addition it that it includes REG hacks, Java, and everything else you
could want. It doesn't include Service Pack 1, but you can download
it from Microsoft in the full package.


Sounds great, but some of the sites were unavailable and others had
exceeded their upload quota for the day. I did manage to get one copy, but
it was only 15KB, so I'm not sure I got the whole file.

Got that, thanks.


Tegger® said:
I'm setting up a machine for a customer on Monday. It will come with a
brand-new OEM version of Win XP. Their Internet connection is only a 56K

Due to circumstances, I cannot do my usual practice of hooking the machine
up to my 1.3Mb DSL network to apply all the Critical Updates and latest
Service Pack before connecting it up to their network.

Service Packs do not contain all the Critical Updates.

Is there an "all-in-one" Critical Update download I can do to obtain all
the necessary patches to put on one CD to save myself some time? Or do I
need to download and each and every Critical Update one-by one and install
each one in turn?

Having repaired my system last night and reapplied all the updates on a
576Kbps connection, taking up over three hours...



"Stuart" <s_irving@itwon'>, being
of unsound mind, did utter in
Having repaired my system last night and reapplied all the updates on
a 576Kbps connection, taking up over three hours...

Exactly my point. The customer will not pay for me to sit there for three
hours to apply patches at $80 per hour. I found my solution anyway, as
suggested by Chris Lanier and Jupiter Jones. Their suggestions at least
mean that the Critical Update "top-up" won't take too long after I apply my

Autopatcher project:

Critical Update rollup to Oct15th:

XP Service Pack 1a:

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