All I Want Is The Command



As I said I have Windows ME installed currently and that
supports dos boot using startup disk so all I wanna know
is whats the command to transfer files from a folder NEW
in D: to a folder in C:. Thats All Hope u understand Thanks

Ron Martell

As I said I have Windows ME installed currently and that
supports dos boot using startup disk so all I wanna know
is whats the command to transfer files from a folder NEW
in D: to a folder in C:. Thats All Hope u understand Thanks

At the A:\> prompt enter the following commands:


The first command loads the Smartdrv disk caching utility which will
greatly speed up the copying process if there is a lot to be copied.

The second command creates a folder named NEW on drive C: to copy the
files into. You can change the name to whatever you want or use an
already existing folder. If you do this then you need to change the
last parameter in the third command accordingly.

The third command does the actual copying.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

"The reason computer chips are so small is computers don't eat much."

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