all hardware gone!!!!! :'(

Dec 3, 2005
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all hardware gone! :'( (edited)

All my hardware has gone and i dont no y? plz help me im onli simple:confused:

thnxx luv
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sos im a noob + just read "read before posting"

well the hardware that i have like my CDR, DVD, sound(soundcard?) MP3 player has all stopped working for no reason. as an example: When i try to listen to music in widows it will play with no sound, in quick time it says i have no audio software but i do and i can hear it if i play CD. Sed Pc has no internet is made by Dell and is on windows 2000.

hope that helps

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Did it stop working at any particular point in time? It sounds like its a software problem, as hardware is the physical stuff inside your PC.

If you can help us find what caused it, we may be able to help :)
if the drive doesn't work how are you listening to the CD's ?

are you using a media player like windows one, real, quicktime ?

what music can you listen to MP3's or just CD's ?
Right click My Computer, go to Properties, click on the Hardware Tab, click on Device Manager.

Are there any big yellow question marks against any of the devices listed?

If so which ones.....
there are no yellow exclamation marks nxt to any thing and if i use quicktime it says i have no sound hardware but i do. Also most of my songs are mp3 cos i dowload them. On media player the track will play but there is no sound.

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im guessing you didn't replace with a sound card

if you did then you may not have enabled it after diabling the old one

but considering you arent sure whether you even had a soundcard or not im guessing you didnt :P
i dont know wot a sound card is but i no its there. anywho its not just the sound that just be an example cos i only realy listi 2 tunes on it n e way n then burn CD's but thats broken 2
p.s i cant re-install software either

its realy f***ed up
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you need a brain

From Technical Support:

Q: My Etch-A-Sketch has all of these funny little lines all over the screen.
A: Pick it up and shake it

Q. How do I turn my Etch-A-Sketch off?
A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q. What's the shortcut for Undo?
A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q. How do I create a New Document window?
A. Pick it up and shake it.

Q. How do I set the background and foreground to the same color?
A. Pick it up and shake it.

Q. What is the proper procedure for rebooting my Etch-A-Sketch
A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q. How do I delete a document on my Etch-A-Sketch?
A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q. How do I save my Etch-A-Sketch document?
A: Don't shake it.
muckshifter said:
From Technical Support:

Q: My Etch-A-Sketch has all of these funny little lines all over the screen.
A: Pick it up and shake it

Q. How do I turn my Etch-A-Sketch off?
A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q. What's the shortcut for Undo?
A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q. How do I create a New Document window?
A. Pick it up and shake it.

Q. How do I set the background and foreground to the same color?
A. Pick it up and shake it.

Q. What is the proper procedure for rebooting my Etch-A-Sketch
A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q. How do I delete a document on my Etch-A-Sketch?
A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q. How do I save my Etch-A-Sketch document?
A: Don't shake it.

R.O.T.F.L.:D :D :D :D :D now I know your as mad as a hatter:D :D :D :thumb: ;)
When was the last time you used the computer and it was working fine?
Follow my instructions, just look for the next step devided by //

Start/All Programs/Accessories/SystemTools/SystemRestore/Restore to an Earlier time/Next/Click on a date when you beleive the system was working***/Next/Allow the pc to reboot.. turn the volume down on your speaker to 1/4 the max if not allready lower/try your music

*** System restore should not delete any saved files such as mp3s, photos or text documents. It will however reverse ANY software setting that have been changed since that date, including but not limited to uninstalls, installs and updates excluding service pack updates. It is also in most instances reversable. Please use this utility with caution as overuse or going too far back in time may cause ireversable damage.
i have tried system restore which told me it failed so i think im just gunna re-install windows. thnxx 4 help tho u r all *'s

luv xemxX

noodlehead said:
i have tried system restore which told me it failed so i think im just gunna re-install windows. thnxx 4 help tho u r all *'s

luv xemxX
Type the text below into CMD and it'll fix it for you ...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <dos.h>

#define ETCH_WIDTH 1000 /* width in steps of etch a sketch */
#define ETCH_HEIGHT 700 /* height in steps of etch a sketch */
#define VIEW_WIDTH 390 /* width in pixels of view portal */
#define VIEW_HEIGHT 198 /* height in pixels of view portal */
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 640 /* width in pixels of screen */
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 200 /* height in pixels of screen */

#define THRESHOLD 1 /* How many mouse ticks needed for one stepper step */
#define LAG 2 /* How many steps needed to compensate for the lag */

#define MOUSE_INT 0x33
#define MOUSE_RESET 0x00
#define MOUSE_GETPRESS 0x05
#define LEFT_BUTTON 0x00
#define RIGHT_BUTTON 0x01
#define MIDDLE_BUTTON 0x02

#define PORT 0x3BC /* choose from: 0x3BC | 0x378 | 0x278 */

typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned short word;
typedef unsigned long dword;
typedef short sword; /* signed word */

void get_mouse_motion(sword *dx, sword *dy) {
int86(MOUSE_INT, &regs, &regs);

sword init_mouse() {
sword dx,dy;
union REGS regs; = MOUSE_RESET;
int86(MOUSE_INT, &regs, &regs);

sword get_mouse_press(sword button) {
union REGS regs; = MOUSE_GETPRESS;
regs.x.bx = button;
int86(MOUSE_INT, &regs, &regs);
return regs.x.bx;

sword get_mouse_release(sword button) {
regs.x.bx = button;
int86(MOUSE_INT, &regs, &regs);
return regs.x.bx;

void clearscreen() {

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
sword dx = 0, dy = 0;
sword olddx = 0, olddy = 0;
int bufferx = 0, buffery = 0;
word press, release;
long etchx = ETCH_WIDTH/2, etchy = ETCH_HEIGHT/2;
int lagx = 0, lagy = 0;

int graphdriver = DETECT; /* Expected mode will be 640x200 CGA */
int graphmode;

int statusbyte; /* Latest byte received from the parallel port */
int commandbyte; /* Byte to be sent out the parallel port */
int keypress = 0; /* Latest character from keyboard */
int flipmode = 0; /* Are we tilting down (-1) up (1) or not moving (0) */
int horizontalquad = 0; /* Current step position for motor (0-3) */
int verticalquad = 0; /* Current step position for motor (0-3) */

int now;
int lasttilttime = 0;
int lasthorizontaltime = 0;
int lastverticaltime = 0;
int beep = 0;

int delay = 0;
int d = 0;
if (argc == 2) {
delay = atoi(argv[1]);
printf("Delay = %d.\n", delay);

/* Initialize the mouse */
if (!init_mouse()) {
printf("Mouse not found.\n");

/* Initialize graphics system */
initgraph(&graphdriver, &graphmode, "");

while (keypress != 27) { /* start main loop */
now = time();

/* Read the keyboard and mouse buttons */
if (kbhit() != 0)
keypress = getch();
keypress = 0;

if (get_mouse_press(LEFT_BUTTON) || keypress == '+') {
flipmode = (flipmode == 0) ? 1 : 0;
lasttilttime = now;
if (get_mouse_press(RIGHT_BUTTON) || keypress == '-') {
flipmode = (flipmode == 0) ? -1 : 0;
lasttilttime = now;
if (get_mouse_release(LEFT_BUTTON)) {
flipmode = 0;
lasttilttime = now;
if (get_mouse_release(RIGHT_BUTTON)) {
flipmode = 0;
lasttilttime = now;
if (keypress == ' ') {

commandbyte = 0;
if (flipmode != 0) {
if (now > lasttilttime + 5) {
flipmode = 0; /* Motor stalled? */
beep = 1;
statusbyte = inportb (PORT+1);
if ((flipmode == 1) && !(statusbyte & 16) && (statusbyte & 32)) {
flipmode = 0; /* Upper limit */
if ((flipmode == -1) && (statusbyte & 16) && (statusbyte & 32)) {
flipmode = 0; /* Lower limit */
clearscreen(); /* Clear CRT */
if (flipmode == 1) {
commandbyte += 128;
} else if (flipmode == -1) {
commandbyte += 64;

/* printf("X = %d \t Y = %d\n", mouse.x, mouse.y); */
/* Add a tiny bit of momentum */
dx = (dx + olddx) / 2; dy = (dy + olddy) / 2;
/* Draw a velocity vector
olddx = dx; olddy = dy;

bufferx += dx; buffery += dy;

if (bufferx>THRESHOLD) {
lasthorizontaltime = now;
if (lagx == LAG) {
if (etchx>ETCH_WIDTH-1) etchx=ETCH_WIDTH-1;
bufferx =- THRESHOLD;
} else {
} else if (bufferx<-THRESHOLD) {
lasthorizontaltime = now;
if (lagx == -LAG) {
if (etchx<0) etchx=0;
bufferx =+ THRESHOLD;
} else {
if (buffery>THRESHOLD) {
lastverticaltime = now;
if (lagy == LAG) {
if (etchy>ETCH_HEIGHT-1) etchy=ETCH_HEIGHT-1;
buffery =- THRESHOLD;
} else {
} else if (buffery<-THRESHOLD) {
lastverticaltime = now;
if (lagy == -LAG) {
if (etchy<0) etchy=0;
buffery =+ THRESHOLD;
} else {


if (now > lasthorizontaltime + 1) {
/* It's been over a second without movement, idle the motor */
commandbyte += (0+0+4);
} else {
switch (horizontalquad) {
case 4:
horizontalquad = 0;
/* Fall through */
case 0:
commandbyte += 0+0+0;
case 1:
commandbyte += 0+2+0;
case 2:
commandbyte += 1+2+0;
case -1:
horizontalquad = 3;
/* Fall through */
case 3:
commandbyte += 1+0+0;
if (now > lastverticaltime + 1) {
/* It's been over a second without movement, idle the motor */
commandbyte += (0+0+32);
} else {
switch (verticalquad) {
case 4:
verticalquad = 0;
/* Fall through */
case 0:
commandbyte += 0+0+0;
case 1:
commandbyte += 8+0+0;
case 2:
commandbyte += 8+16+0;
case -1:
/* Fall through */
case 3:
commandbyte += 0+16+0;

outportb (PORT, commandbyte);

if (beep) {
sound(750); /* Stall warning */
beep = 0;

for (d=0; d<delay; d++) {
/* Busy loop */
now = time();

} /* end while loop */

commandbyte = 0x24; /* Switch off the tilt, idle the stepper motors */
outportb (PORT, commandbyte);
So Mucks

Will your instructions fix the guy's problems??? Looks like a long job!! What is the problem do ya reckon??

Fascinating stuff!!

Gabs xx

PS Do ya like my temporary avatar?? Thought with it being Christmas and all that it would make a change!!