I can't seem to get my all day events to show in work week or day mode. I
understand that this is most likely due to screen resolution. My resolution
is set at 1680 x 1050 and 96 dpi. These are it's native settings.
The issue appears to be sporadic becuase one day will have 1 apointment and
1 all day event and the all day event will not show but another day will have
4 appointments and 2 all day events and everything shows up fine.
Any help appreciated. Thanks.
understand that this is most likely due to screen resolution. My resolution
is set at 1680 x 1050 and 96 dpi. These are it's native settings.
The issue appears to be sporadic becuase one day will have 1 apointment and
1 all day event and the all day event will not show but another day will have
4 appointments and 2 all day events and everything shows up fine.
Any help appreciated. Thanks.