My preferred method to bring up a new appointment item is Shift+Ctrl+A in any folder - or Ctrl+N when in Calendar view. Much easier for a keyboarder and saves headaches as well.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
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After furious head scratching, Ken Zenachon asked:
| Milly, Brian, that's the problem. I was double-clicking in the month
| view.
| I'll just have to get used to using another method.
| Thanks,
| KZ
| Brian Tillman wrote:
||| OL2K3:
||| How do I change the default calendar entry form so that the "All day
||| event" option is not checked by default?
|| When you double-click a date in, say, the Week or Month view (where
|| there is no time scale), by default the event will be all day. If
|| you double-click in a view with a time scale (i.e., Day or Work
|| Week), the event will be an all-day event if you click in the gray
|| area to the top and will be one time scale division long if you
|| click within the time scale. --
|| Brian Tillman