I handle a division of 35 people, and schedule vacation days, sick days, etc.
in Outlook Calendar, scheduled as "all day" events. The people I share my
calendar with cannot see more than 6 or 7 "lines" of events at a time...I
gets lots of disgruntled people letting me know I forgot to include thier
event, when in fact it IS scheduled, and I can see it just fine on MY screen.
Is there a setting we need to change?
in Outlook Calendar, scheduled as "all day" events. The people I share my
calendar with cannot see more than 6 or 7 "lines" of events at a time...I
gets lots of disgruntled people letting me know I forgot to include thier
event, when in fact it IS scheduled, and I can see it just fine on MY screen.
Is there a setting we need to change?