i am entering addresses in a column and i want to be informed when i have
doubled up on the address.
You'll need to do this in a Form; table datasheets don't have any usable
events (yet) to allow this.
In a Form you can use the address textbox's BeforeUpdate event to detect a
duplicate; sample code might be
Private Sub txtAddress_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim iAns As Integer ' variable for user's response
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
rs.FindFirst "[Address] = """ & Me!txtAddress & """"
If Not rs.NoMatch Then
iAns = MsgBox("Duplicate address. Click Yes to add it anyway," _
" No to jump to the duplicate, Cancel to erase this record and start over",
Select Case iAns
Case vbYes
' do nothing, just let it be added
Case vbNo
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark ' jump to found record
Case vbCancel
Cancel = True
End Select
End If
End Sub