Alert message based on record selection

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ron Weaver
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Ron Weaver

Hi all
My database has an order form which books equipment for meetings. The main
form has (among others), text boxes for Start Date and End Date. The subform
has a combo box to select the Equipment. When I select a piece of equipment
in the combo box, I would like a msg box or a pop up to alert me if that
piece of equipment is already booked for that date period. This information
is stored in the Orders table. The msg box or pop up should show the Customer
Name, Dates, and Invoice number. I would appreciate it if someone will give
me an idea of how to do this, or guide me to an example procedure.

Does each piece of equipment have a specific ID value? Is the user
selecting a specific item (a particular wrench) , or a type of item (wrench,
crescent, 1 1/2")?

If the items they are selecting are specific items, and those items are
tracked in your Orders table table, then you would need to put some code in
the combo boxes AfterUpdate event to do the check. Maybe something like:

Private Sub cbo_Equipment_AfterUpdate

Dim strSQL as string
Dim rs as DAO.Recordset 'make sure you have the DAO reference set
Dim strMsg as string

strSQL = "SELECT O.Invoice, O.CustomerName, O.StartDate, O.EndDate "
& "FROM tbl_Orders as O "
& "WHERE O.EndDate >= #" & me.txt_StartDate & "# " _
& " AND O.StartDate <= # & me.txt_EndDate & "#"
Set rs = currentdb.openrecordset strsql

if rs.eof then
'no problem
strMsg = "That item is already reserved by:" & vbcrlf
While not rs.eof
strMsg = strMsg & vbcrlf & rs("CustomerName") & " from " _
& rs("StartDate") & " thru " & rs("EndDate") _
& " on invoice:" & rs("Invoice")
msgbox strMsg
me.cbo_Equipment = Null
End if

set rs = nothing

End sub


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Thanks Damen
I will work on this and get back to the group.

Damon Heron said:
Ooops! should be X= DLookup, not DCount, also <= and >=


Damon Heron said:
in the afterupdate event of the combobox, you could use dlookup on your
order table.
(not tested aircode)
X= DCount("OrderID", "tblOrders", "StartDate > " &
Me.Parent.[txtStartDate] & " And EndDate < " & Me.Parent.[txtEndDate] &
"EquipmentID = " & YourCombobox.Column(0))

'use dlookup to fill variables with Custname, Dates, and Inv#
Custname= dlookup("CustomerName", "tblOrders", "OrderID= " & X)
Dates= dlookup.....etc.
Inv#= dlookup...etc
'then display msgbox.
msgbox "This piece of equipment is booked by " & Custname & " on " & Dates
& "with Invoice Number " & Inv#, vbinfo



Ron Weaver said:
Hi all
My database has an order form which books equipment for meetings. The
form has (among others), text boxes for Start Date and End Date. The
has a combo box to select the Equipment. When I select a piece of
in the combo box, I would like a msg box or a pop up to alert me if that
piece of equipment is already booked for that date period. This
is stored in the Orders table. The msg box or pop up should show the
Name, Dates, and Invoice number. I would appreciate it if someone will
me an idea of how to do this, or guide me to an example procedure.
Thanks Dale
Yes, each pc of equipment has a specific ID value. I will work on this and
get back to the group.
I finally got this code to work. It is great, but I have one problem: The
Customer Name. My Orders table has CustomerID (from the Customer table), but
not the name. How can we modify the following code to show the name instead
of the ID:

Private Sub cboProducts_AfterUpdate()

Dim strSQL As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset 'make sure you have the DAO reference set
Dim strMsg As String

strSQL = "SELECT O.OrderID, O.CustomerID, O.StartDate, O.EndDate " _
& "FROM Orders as O " _
& "WHERE O.EndDate >= #" & Parent.txtStartDate & "# " _
& " AND O.StartDate <= #" & Parent.txtEndDate & "# "
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

If rs.EOF Then
'no problem
strMsg = "That item is already reserved by:" & vbCrLf
While Not rs.EOF
strMsg = strMsg & vbCrLf & rs("CustomerID") & " from " _
& rs("StartDate") & " thru " & rs("EndDate") _
& " on invoice:" & rs("OrderID")
MsgBox strMsg
Me.cboProducts = Null
End If

Set rs = Nothing

End Sub


The query will look something like:

strSQL = "SELECT O.OrderID, C.CustomerName, O.StartDate, O.EndDate " _
& "FROM Orders as O " _
& "INNER JOIN Customers as C " _
& "ON O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID " _
& "WHERE O.EndDate >= #" & Parent.txtStartDate & "# " _
& " AND O.StartDate <= #" & Parent.txtEndDate & "# "

Good luck.
Thanks Dale
That works. There is one more question: The message pops up every time for
the current booking. Is there any way to show the message only when there are
other bookings?
Since I'm not sure what your form looks like and what the data source is for
it, I'm not sure I'll get this correct. You need to another parameter to the
query to ignore the current record. If the current record on the form has an
OrderID, then the following might work. Another appoach may be to test for
O.CustomerID not equal to the current customer ID.

strSQL = "SELECT O.OrderID, C.CustomerName, O.StartDate, O.EndDate " _
& "FROM Orders as O " _
& "INNER JOIN Customers as C " _
& "ON O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID " _
& "WHERE O.EndDate >= #" & Parent.txtStartDate & "# " _
& " AND O.StartDate <= #" & Parent.txtEndDate & "# " _
& " AND O.OrderID <> " & me.txtOrderID


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That worked, however I have just discovered that instead of showing
equipment booked on the same date, the msg box is showing all orders booked
on the same date regardless of equipment selected. The equipment in the combo
box, cboProducts , is listed under source "ProductID" in the Products table.
I appreciate your help in this.
I'm surprised I didn't pick up on that earlier.

Just add another parameter to the WHERE clause of the SQL string to test
that the Order.ProductID equals the value of the product ID control.
Something like:

& " AND O.ProductID = " & me.cboProduct

That did't work because 'ProductID' isn't in the "Orders" table. It is in
the "Products" table. The "Products" table is joined to the "Orders" table
through a junction table named "Order Details". I hope this helps. Here is my
code to date:

Private Sub cboProducts_AfterUpdate()

Dim strSQL As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset 'make sure you have the DAO reference set
Dim strMsg As String

strSQL = "SELECT O.OrderID, C.FirstName, C.LastName, O.StartDate, O.EndDate
" _
& "FROM Orders as O " _
& "INNER JOIN Customer as C " _
& "ON O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID " _
& "WHERE O.EndDate >= #" & Parent.txtStartDate & "# " _
& " AND O.StartDate <= #" & Parent.txtEndDate & "# " _
& " And O.OrderID <> " & Parent.OrderID _

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

If rs.EOF Then
'no problem
strMsg = "That item is already reserved by:" & vbCrLf
While Not rs.EOF
strMsg = strMsg & vbCrLf & rs("FirstName") & " " & rs("LastName") _
& " from " _
& rs("StartDate") & " thru " & rs("EndDate") _
& " on invoice:" & rs("OrderID")
MsgBox strMsg

End If

Set rs = Nothing

End Sub
I finally got this to work by creating it in the query builder and copying
the SQL over.
Thanks for your help.