michael555 said:
If that is the case why have sex on drinking advertisment?
They use sex to sell just about everything, so why exclude alcoholic drinks.
Apart from that, everybody knows what a few drinks can lead to
I haven't seen any drink ads so can't comment.
Both alcohol and cigs kill.
So does bad driving; obesity; lack of excersise; heroin addiction; loneliness, an inability to laugh; tranquiliser addiction; anorexia and a million other things.
alcohol is the main reason down to crime and deaths.
Total tosh. That will be drugs I think.
You'll die froim smoking a lot quicker than from booze. Maybe. Depends how much you drink. There again an excess of many things will kill you.
If you check today there more people drinking ever more.
If by that you mean there are more people drinking today than there ever has been show me the statitistics purporting to prove that true.
If we're talking numbers, the UK population is at it's highest ever (hi all you Eastern European three quid an hour workers) but maybe you mean percentage of population.
Prove it
So if cigs are ban on tv so should alcohol aswell.
You have your weapon - your vote, so use it.
You can also write to your MP if you feel strongly about it.
Myself, couldn't care less either way cos I don't watch TV, I know which drinks I like and I wasn't influenced at all by the Magners ad campaign, cider with ice is the territory of poncey yuppy wannabe's
Tell ya what, the mark of any free society should be the right of every individual to be as stupid as they like as long as they don't harm anybody else.