"Alarm" to warn if process stops

  • Thread starter Thread starter Klein
  • Start date Start date


I'm looking for a process/utility that will enable me to customize a list
key processes to monitor, and will sound an alarm/alert/action if that
process disappears. (E.g., if one of my kids' games or some sort of spyware
shuts off the firewall, etc.)

Anyone seen something like that?
Klein said:
I'm looking for a process/utility that will enable me to customize a list
key processes to monitor, and will sound an alarm/alert/action if that
process disappears. (E.g., if one of my kids' games or some sort of spyware
shuts off the firewall, etc.)

Anyone seen something like that?

Not exactly what you're looking for, but I find CobShield very handy:

I suppose you're looking for a freeware alternative to something like

I'd like to know if one exists too.
Klein said:
I'm looking for a process/utility that will enable me to customize a list
key processes to monitor, and will sound an alarm/alert/action if that
process disappears. (E.g., if one of my kids' games or some sort of
shuts off the firewall, etc.)

Anyone seen something like that?

What is your OS? Windows NT+ allows you to do this with system services. In
2k+ "Control Panel" | "Administrative Tools" | "Services" | select your
service | right-click that service click "Properties" | click the "Recovery"
tab. From there I have the 1st and 2nd failure as "Restart the Service". For
the "Subsequent failures" I've had http://www.blat.net/ send me an e-mail to
my cell phone for example.

I don't do that much anymore since I got laid off from my IT job though.

In 2k+ "Control Panel" | "Administrative Tools" | "Services"
| select your service | right-click that service click "Properties" |
click the "Recovery" tab.

This system is XP-home, but this is a good suggestion as well, when the OS
supports it. I own full licenses for every MSFT OS from Win95 and up.

What I'm also considering is a separate Linux box connected to cable
running one of those simple firewalls. This would put firewall blocking
outside the boys' grasp, and also enable me to add minimal filtering and
full logging.

( P.S. I've also thought about installing cybercafe software to limit/meter
the kids use use based on time per day, time of day, total time per week,
etc. The boys were not thrilled at that idea. !#$%^&* )

P.P.S. Best of luck in your job search!
Ive wrote an application in c++, its a System Process app - It Monitor's and
kill's unwanted processes, look at a specific process then see what files
are needed for that process to be running, lets you check to see if the
process is hiding other files.

If you want it, email me.
