Alarm/Time program

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Looking for an alarm/clock program that will play and mp3 (without
winamp etc) or launch a program at specified time.
It has been reported by the Department of Homeland Security that on Sun, 28
Looking for an alarm/clock program that will play and mp3 (without
winamp etc) or launch a program at specified time.

I have recommended LDBSoft ClockXP on this ng. It has all the features you
mentioned and more besides. It is free as long as it is in BETA, better
hurry. Their web site is:


"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions,
their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
-- Oscar Wilde

CUL8r -- Lee
It has been reported by the Department of Homeland Security that on Sun, 28

I have recommended LDBSoft ClockXP on this ng. It has all the features you
mentioned and more besides. It is free as long as it is in BETA, better
hurry. Their web site is:


"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions,
their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
-- Oscar Wilde

CUL8r -- Lee

been trying to DL this program for a week now, but so far no joy:-(
anyone have a working link?
It has been reported by the Department of Homeland Security that on Mon, 29
been trying to DL this program for a week now, but so far no joy:-(
anyone have a working link?

I just posted the zip file (renamed **) to alt.binaries.freeware:
approx 1 meg. Might appear on your server pretty soon now!

BTW, I had bad luck trying to play with the *Transparancy* option of ClockXP.
Seemed to tie up all my cpu time. So now I leave it on the default setting,
which I bellieve is no transparancy.

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions,
their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
-- Oscar Wilde



"Take a look behind you - upstream - now you begin to
recognize this country, don't you?"

"Yes, I do recognize it now. It is the most wonderful
thing I ever heard of; by a long shot the most
wonderful - and unexpected."

Mark Twain
Life on the Mississippi
I just posted the zip file (renamed **) to alt.binaries.freeware:
approx 1 meg. Might appear on your server pretty soon now!

BTW, I had bad luck trying to play with the *Transparancy* option of ClockXP.
Seemed to tie up all my cpu time. So now I leave it on the default setting,
which I bellieve is no transparancy.
Got it (LDB Clock),
My problem seems to have been Net Transport, used FF's download manager and
the link worked fine.
Transperancy doesn't work at all for me.
The only other glitch was that the popup reminder wouldn't show up until
after I rebooted my computer. Other than that it seems like a decent
